The haunting imagery the title conjures by reputation undoubtedly leads the reader into having expectations to the predisposition of the novel. A story of horror, chilling and frightening proportions that is undeserved. This is no supernatural story, despite the hints hidden within the pages, but I must admit, it is extremely chilling. This is the first time I read of a love so instense (notwithstanding, the fact that I'm new to love stories).
That is not all there is to the book. Vengence, a life long vendetta to wreck havoc on his enemies, made Heathcliff one of the most striking characters portrayed. Bronte's work is a superb work emotion, and there is no lack of it to leave the reader bored. Page after page is chocked full of passion and conflicts. The chaos of the relationship between the inhabitants of the Heights and the Grange.
So who am I kidding when I claim "let's get down to business". So yeah, I'm back here, I managed to catch This film is not yet rated with Mei today. (She chose the show based on the title... haha. Hey, I still wanna catch Mr. Average (Comme tout le monde))
TFINYR, another film in the likes of zeitgeist and Google Spider goats. Of course TFINYR doens't dwell as much on conspiracy theories as the latter 2, but they cover common ground - control of information and dubious standards. Listen folks, violence is perfectly fine, just leave out the gore, but making love is less acceptable. I used to hear an adage, make love not war, now it seems war is preferred to sex. It's ridiculous to the point of absurdity. Watch it, if only for the extended sex sequence from Team America. 3 thumbs up!
The past few weeks, the prospects of going on a darker wilder path presented itself and it's pretty tempting, like, the dark I used to know was a dull shade of colour I had, but this dark is dark hues of ever other colour there is. ADM, that place has people who are interesting, maybe people who cna lead me to shed my inhibitions.
So I got myself the Kingdom Hearts art book today, which is absolutely smashing. It's almost like finding certain parts of myself that I didn't even realize I left behind. Certain beliefs and emotions that are part of my core, like fighting against the bad guys for the greater good!
Light at the end of the tunnel!
Given the hope, that no reply might not be really no reply, just not replied yet. What would it say?
I don't know, but now, even till this day, you still make butterflies appear in my stomach. All nervous and tentative, even though I'm the evil enabler. Evil creatures still feel the pressure to impress, and of course, they do screw up and act weird at times too.
Remember Gavin, not the number of breaths, but the moments that take your breath away! Just one moment to take your breath away, would that be ok? Rather than trying to grasp at all the moments of breaths.
Ah... Nevermind me, I'm just a little inexplicably cheery at the moment.
I should post something once in a while, least I get too lazy or some one lodges a missing persons report. Well, the blame hardly lies with laziness rather than the hectic schedule of the 4th semester in University. 2 days ending at 8pm, 3 presentations (2 out of 3 left), is amounting to no mean feat. Is it pertinent to demand an accelerated learning pace from every denizen of the locale more affectionately titled "the Universtiy"?
It would be nice if students could finish their education in a shorter time, however, I feel that it should not be a priority over having a sound, solid education that is a foundation for any student's future endeavours. The basics, at the end of the day is what knowledge is built on. The current model is pretty fine, the knowledge is all there, but it is imperitve to note that the basics need to be preserved, not just in writing but in the minds of the people as well.
It is rather neat to have the internet acting as the repository of human knowledge, but if no one has eer tried it or understand how it really is, then the information is rendered hardly more useful that some random words. Knowledge and experience, they go hand in hand. This is especially vital in fields which concern lives.
But that's beside the point.
As my forray into the pursuit of knowledge deepens, I'm coming into contact with topics such as the creation of a carbon-neutral building. Buildings which have a minimal impact upon the environment.
Seperately, western film histroy has taught me much about social commentary's presence in the medium of film. That's right, as long as human retain the right to the freedom of expression we can count on messages finding their way in spite of the barriers. The question I'm asking is how the American film industry is being controlled by 7 companies that have existed since the early 1900s.
Vertical integration they call it, where the company controls all aspects of the business. Production, distribution, and exhibition.
Some years past on a random day, a rose I bring. Kept in the bag, the scarlet blossom, And words inside have yet to sing. Things of emotion and floating flotsam, Stirring the calm face of bravado.
I grasp my nervous heart, and feel my tangled tongue. Oh woe, oh dear, it's really hard. Suspense filled seconds before the man is hung. Oh shit, oh shit, what shall I do?
I have been preparing, bracing for this time. There's no denying, the passion inside, and now at the peak of our prime, shall not remain in silence hide. Resolute, onwards! Go!
Through the shelves, I saw her stand, amongst the people sea, book in hand. Her lithe figure, the most gorgeous apple of my eye, I spy. "Hi!" I sigh.
The rose in my bag, it stayed.
Non-fiction, and that was four years ago. The eager young boy buying a flower for the first time in his life, holding it like some sacred item. I was early, and paced around till I was late. Lingering outside the book shop, that all too familiar, favourite haunt, and never quite plucking up enough courage. In the process, consigning a flower to its death, a slow suffocating sentence to exile in the litter bin.
Its a decision I still regret sometimes, especially now, I shudder at the thought, of history repeating once more.
It's a story, maybe it's a little story that would make you smile or chuckle a while, at a silly boy.
6. The Five People you meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom
6 / 25 (24.0%)
Some friends give the weird look when they saw the book, which makes me ponder over how a wonderful work of fiction such as this can elicit those negative sentiments. To read that book is to exose yourself to a spiritual and somewhat religious experience, religious in the message it carries, not in its preaching of God. In fact, references to God is minimal.
In short, a book about causality, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and closure. It is a story that speaks to the heart, as you follow the protaganist through his tour of heaven, grouchy Eddide becomes the lovable uncle, the mentor that everyone seems to have.
Albom weaves a heart-warming story that reaches out regardless of age and prejudice, and every page leaves you wanting to read more, hoping for a happy ending for dear Eddie, ever suffering Eddie, that his anger, his frustrations and his pain could go away. The story loses momentum near the end, but that does not change the fact that it is an interesting read. A good wholesome book.
The postman was working today, sending out letters to the mailboxes all over town. That was his job, and he was good at it. I know, because he delivers the letters on time, most of the time, of course he is due some manner of respite and runs late some times. Everyone loves him.
The time comes when you have to ask him a question. I asked "Mr. Postman, is there any letters for me?"
He said no. Along with him, the hopes fade away, on his scooter, Mr Postman resumed his duty.
I shrug my shoulders, I walk back in, expecting a mail, but it never came. It has been some time, this wait, hey wait, no reply.
4 winters gone by, four springs of wait. Patience, patience, what's a coupled more falls?
The Eastern Connection was quite an exciting and enjoyable film. That has got to be the most disturbingly violent movie I have watched this year (Well, even though the year is only 12 days old). Kudos to Mortensson's excellent portrayal of a Russian ganster/government agent?I still cna't get which side he's on character. The drama was intensely riddled with suspense and tension that keeps you guessing, and wondering. Is Nikoli going to kill Kirill, who's is this Nikoli character, Is Anna going to meet with any harm.
Sometimes when you enter a cinema without expectations from a film, you leave pleasantly surprised.
The most delightfully devious and sweet bunch of stories yet from Gaiman. The wicked genius of the man, now presented in bite-sized chunks, and succeeds in capturing the beauty and wonder of the hidden worlds Gaiman is able to conquer in the mind. From real life to the fantastic, each short story in this anthology keeps one transfixed on the transcript. There is no short of intriguing creatures, foreign and familiar to entice the curiosity and imagination.
The finale, Snow, Glass, Apple, leaves me in shock, and in wide-eyed appreciation of the wonder Gaiman had penned in words.
Let me repeat this for the benefit of those not in my Western Film History class.
"Only by knowing where we came from can we know where we are going." - Gavin
So, where do you come from, and where are you headed for? Do you know?
You have got to know, and you have got to believe, otherwise, what is the point of an existence? We exist to achieve the aim we set out with.
Some will succeed in their pursuit, many will experience failures before that. The thing is, perseverence and determination is necessary to strike a path to your destination, and every failure marks a learning point. Each fall only makes you stronger.
So. Bangkok in 5 days, and back just in time for 3 hours of sleep before the first bells of the new school semester starts. Totally exciting!
Bangkok was splendid, good times, and great food together with excellent company makes this an unforgetable experience.
I miss the place already, I miss the holidays and I miss Japan too. Travelling this much in a month surely does wonders for the monotony, and in the process, many valuable lessons in life were learnt.
For one, English is not the universal language, and the times where it failed us ranged from the hilarious to the downright infuriating. Communication is more than just the words, it burns with passion, emotion and the intent of the speaker. Language, it is a beautiful thing, and the thai language, so filled with melody, the inflection subtle and gentle. It carries with it an unmistakable charm and to the uninitiated it sounds wonderful.
That certain observation accentuates the chasm between the cultures (Not that I have a culture to call my own). There I am, an outsider, a foreigner musing at the intricacies of a language I hardly comprehend save for a few rare words. For one like myself, lost in the overwhelming tides of culture and heritage, I can only claim to be a world citizen. Not chinese, malay or whatever enough for the constituents of my blood. I guess that's one way I can savour and appreciate the other cultures more.
Without that which to compare it to, with that a more inquisitive and almost furtive mindset to absorb and understand the sights and sounds that make up a culture. Awestruck by the vibrancy of another's culture, yet slightly mortified at the prospect of losing them in the increasing globalization and increasing conformity that is demanded by the prevailing powers for the world to tailor to their needs and fancies.
Urban Bangkok resembles Singapore and Malaysia, and in Bangkok city, the ever expansion of the concrete jungle engulfs and displaces, resigning those unable to or unwilling to keep pace into the sprawling slums under the network of highways. Pushed into the outskirts are the slums, the shanty towns. If not for a little wrong turn, that sight would have escaped my notice. It is as if the grey shroud of modernization seeks to suffocate the colours and diversity of a culture.
Hopefully it can be preserved least one day the loss is mourned.
Just like that, the date 070707 has left and not to reappear again. I always thought it would be exceedingly special for that day to be a significant event in life. I think I spent it like any other day. So that leaves me with 080808 090909 101010 111111 and 121212. I wonder if there is any chance of me getting married on any of those days.
I digress. In way of personal life, 2007 has been much more significant. It marks the first year in University, a new stage in life. Learning aplenty, about the human condition, about life, and striking a balance between achieving an objective and appealing to the masses. Perhaps a little too absorbed into my microcosm that is the University.
School aside, 2007 was the year of many new acquaintances, the freshies of winterhill, the smashing culties, and the extended 55 gang. All you interesting people, adding colour to the wonderful world.
Of course, 2007 was also a yea of heartbreak, the first in a long time, but nonetheless a valuable learning point. The best/worse part? That might have just been a sub quest, a half year long sub quest. Well, many of you already know, that endeavour ended in rejection, though, nothing really serious or damaging, in fact, I'm still great chums with her, yeah, Claire? (Hey, ouendan showdown still pending girl!)
2007 was a great year for discovery and exploration, to Japan, to Thailand, to the depths of the human psyche and back, knocked up and under, slapped straight in the face and alive to tell the tale. I'll be back you hear, as long as I still stand, I shall continue to stand for the right and protect the meek.
The world of course moves along as the year progresses. 2007, the great video game revival, the long awaited rejuvenation of the gaming scene finally arrives in style and panache. From Crisis to Gears of War to the DS, it was a wonderful time to be a gamer.
In the geopolitical scene, nothing much has moved, democracy takes a hit in Pakistan with the assassination of Bhutto. It stands to serve as a stark reminder of the nature of political games, that we cannot expect a civil and safe environment and expect the whole world to conform to that set of standard. People in their own hometown faced with their own problems will resort to their own conceptions of a solution to tackle it. In some case, that results in the loss of life.
That as they say is human nature.
Whilst on that very topic, nature shows no relenting in her display of protest. Freak weather, and receding polar caps topped the headlines as terrorism finally takes the backseat and settle for 2nd.
Indeed, 2007, a year just like any other, and also a year special in its unique way, for the memories, the emotions, the events and the contents paint a brilliant picture upon the millions and billions of lives that have been touched through the year. A masterpiece that traces the journey of 07 from dawn to dusk is filled with contributions from both you and I. The ties we forge become the palette to paint the canvas, the moments that take us in awe, the paintbrush, and the emotions and sensations the paint adorning the kaleidoscope of colours and patterns.
Each year, a new painting is hung on the wall, each year, renews the process of the artist that paints the picture of his life.
Sometimes, I stop to wonder, "What am I going to paint next?" At times, the laborious continum, of what to colour in next bothers me.
That's why I'm alive that's why we're alive; To figure out some semblence of purpose and meaning, and find the means to effect that.
Welcome 2008. My resolution would be to ovehaul my wardrobe.
Wishes and misses float away into the depths of the pages of time, and the yellowed pages of the tome labelled "past" turns to the new one named present.
Let's sing for joy and welcome the refrains of the song of the future.