Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Whuthering Heights

7. Whuthering Heights, Emily Bronte

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
7 / 25

The haunting imagery the title conjures by reputation undoubtedly leads the reader into having expectations to the predisposition of the novel. A story of horror, chilling and frightening proportions that is undeserved. This is no supernatural story, despite the hints hidden within the pages, but I must admit, it is extremely chilling. This is the first time I read of a love so instense (notwithstanding, the fact that I'm new to love stories).

That is not all there is to the book. Vengence, a life long vendetta to wreck havoc on his enemies, made Heathcliff one of the most striking characters portrayed. Bronte's work is a superb work emotion, and there is no lack of it to leave the reader bored. Page after page is chocked full of passion and conflicts. The chaos of the relationship between the inhabitants of the Heights and the Grange.

Gavin pondered @ 23:31

Under the layers of dust