Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Sunday, January 13, 2008
The 5 people you meet in Heaven

6. The Five People you meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom

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6 / 25

Some friends give the weird look when they saw the book, which makes me ponder over how a wonderful work of fiction such as this can elicit those negative sentiments. To read that book is to exose yourself to a spiritual and somewhat religious experience, religious in the message it carries, not in its preaching of God. In fact, references to God is minimal.

In short, a book about causality, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and closure. It is a story that speaks to the heart, as you follow the protaganist through his tour of heaven, grouchy Eddide becomes the lovable uncle, the mentor that everyone seems to have.

Albom weaves a heart-warming story that reaches out regardless of age and prejudice, and every page leaves you wanting to read more, hoping for a happy ending for dear Eddie, ever suffering Eddie, that his anger, his frustrations and his pain could go away. The story loses momentum near the end, but that does not change the fact that it is an interesting read. A good wholesome book.

Gavin pondered @ 22:37

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