Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Sometimes, I think of things, or say words that are so true, yet these thoughts come to me not through concious contemplation... Rather, they come through the spur of the moment, as a retort to a sweeping statement.
So how much concious control over one's mind is appropriate? If letting the subconcious take over the mind, then one mind find oneself succumbing to the various impulses and desires of the physical body. Otherwise, too much concious control results in a loss of spontaneity.
Some instincts are hotwired into the human mind because they are vital to survival, whilst others have been redered osolete, and have been "out-evolved" by the human body.
In the end, it boils down to balance.
In becoming what you want, you turn into what you aren't. In becoming what you aren't you lose yourself. It's a tricky path we thread.
pondered @ 10:20
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas
It''s a tad late, but I'll like to take this opportunity to wish one and all a Merry Christmas.
pondered @ 23:55
Saturday, December 24, 2005
The cost of freedom discussed
The advocates of freedom promote the notion without delving into the price that it comes with. I find it quite intriguing that most people have come to take freedom as a right, and sometimes, they fail to question whether something as valuable as freedom would not bear a remarkably high price tag.
First off, let us define freedom. What is freedom? I find it more appropriate if freedom is considered an abstract concept, one that can not be quantified, but yet is readily recognized. I would say that freedom is the entitlement to exist without boundaries in a closed system, and however you might want to define the system as, I believe that definition would still hold true. In short, freedom is to "be as you wish".
Then you ask, "Why is freedom not a right?" Very simply put, it is because humans do not rule the Universe. Man is free to do as he whims, and the Universe would not care to stop him. Existing on this reality, Man has been bestowed all the freedom he could ask for. The laws of the Universe do not restrict Man’s freedom. Though physical laws might exist, they do not serve to oppose Man's freedom. The opposition to Man’s freedom is in fact, man himself.
Let us then discuss freedom as a product of a group.
The existence of groups of humans and eventually, the establishment of societies means that there are other sentient beings around. Beings that are equally capable of anything as the other. Thus, Rules and Laws emerge in order to keep the group in working order, whether it s to prevent unnecessary competition, pilfering of possession or even murder. Such actions are detrimental to the health of the group. In order to facilitate that maintenance of the state of affairs, rules have been set by the Ruling hierarchy to protect the integrity of the group (and perhaps the interest of said individual).
Such being the case, it is not unreasonable to conclude that freedom is not a right. It cannot be, simply because if every individual is able to do anything, then the human group will cease to function. Thus, freedom can only be said to be an entitlement; one is granted in varying degrees dependent on the state of the group. For example, a village suffering from drought cannot possible allow its members to use the precious little water indiscriminately for bathing.
In the past decades, Man has seen unprecedented rates of progress, pushing the human societies into states of affluence. Affluence allows for the introduction of more freedom to the populace, as the group is now hardly concerned with basic needs.
Without the presence of imminent threats to survival, and without much void in the functioning of the group, the group can then afford to allow a higher level of freedom to its members. A country such as France would most certainly be glad to allow its citizens to actively participate in the proliferation of fine arts, whereas in a place like Zimbabwe, where food is still scarce, the group would demand that its members work to produce sustenance, rather than art.
Such is freedom within a system, or freedom within the rules. As I have mentioned earlier, every man is born with infinite freedom. It is in the upbringing and interaction with the group that slowly erodes this sense of limitless freedom. Quite simply put one is free to do whatever one wants, whenever one wishes to. Nothing in the physical world would stop one, but it is the group which prohibits one from doing certain things.
Who is to say that one cannot kill another? It is but a matter of perceptions and the fear of punishment that discourages that act. If one where to murder another human being, nothing in nature will physically stop one. It is the group that would act upon such a turn of events.
What I am trying to demonstrate is that man is born free, and he loses that freedom as he is integrated into the group. Freedom is then given to him in degrees as deemed by the situation, and such freedom, would be an entitlement, subject to change and even deprivation.
Find it curious that many people think that freedom is a right that cannot be withheld. They fail to see that it is not taken from them in the first place. They posses whatever freedom, but whether they know it, or choose to exercise is another issue.
People wish to have freedom that does not come with a price. They hope that they do things without being punished nor penalized in anyway. That is the type of freedom they expound. For that type of freedom, the cost is zero to them. Zero cost, because they do not have to pay anything in exchange for it, because such freedom is sanctioned by the group.
I find that such freedom is not freedom at all, and is merely an illusion of freedom. Nonetheless, such freedom is necessary in the group, but I find that it should have it own terminology, as I now bring back the concept of an abstract freedom. They both occupy opposite ends of a spectrum, so different, yet still referred to as the same thing.
To exercise that abstract freedom I talk about is a hard task. Such freedom comes at extremely high prices, and in some cases, might cost a life. I guess that society cannot have all its members exercising such freedom too, as it would deconstruct the group. Add that to the previous costs, and it is not hard to surmise the incredible cost of freedom.
Thus, the actual freedom afforded to members of a group is a mitigated amalgamation of the illusion of freedom and freedom. To let the people feel that they have been given enough freedom whilst still ensuring that they do not exercise their full freedom in ways that would be harmful to the group. Thus, to the individual, the price of freedom is not high; an individual will still survive without freedom. The true price of freedom is incurred by the group, and such a cost is ridiculously prohibitive, but a price that a group cannot afford to not pay.
pondered @ 12:48
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I ask, "How much to save the world?"
He answered "More than your life."
Then I asked, "How much not to save the world?"
And he snorted, "Your life."
So what's the difference? I wonder. Too conceited to believe that I'm insignificant and too proud to admit taht I'm helpless, but I cannot help it if I feel compelled to think.
Inconsequential to the daily cycle, I might be, but let me state this - Either way, the final price is a life. What is there to lose?
Dust to dust, and ashes to ashes.
pondered @ 23:59
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas is knocking on your doors. Time to get excited. =)
pondered @ 20:19
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Dream in Color - Victor Wooten
Some say we're living in the last days
entering the last fase
on this planet called earth
But when i close my eyes
i see the brightness of a new dawn
a barrier to go beyond
and i feel hopefull for what is worth
but still ....
some say boy
you're just to optimistic
don't you know the world is going to end
we're just gonna be statistics
i don't know
when i see a rainbow its a product of the storm
as the sun shines down to keep us warm
and the winds of change blow
You might call that a dream
But when i dream
i dream in color oh yes i do
is the future cut in half
should i cry or should i laugh
or should i continue on my path
but then i stop and think about
and as i sit and watch my children grow
i wanna let my kids know
that they got sometin' to life for
can you feel me
some say joseph
don't you read ever your scriptures
it's gonna be fire and brimstone
it's not gonna be a pretty picture
but (ah) i say...........
i see a halo and it's a shining down on me
as truth has come to set us free
from the madness we know
You might call that a dream
But when i dream
i dream in color oh yes i do
so dream of peace
dream of love
dream of equality but still
that ain't enough
gold in the light that's in your vision
and than truth that is on you mission
and the locks that are on you prison
will fall away and you be free one day
You might call that a dream
when i dream
when i dream
when i dream
when i dream
when i dream
when i dream
You might call that a dream
but when i dream
i dream in color oh yes i do
black white brown yellow too
but when i dream
i dream in colorA song of hope. Marvelous.
pondered @ 15:45
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Meet Jack
Yeah, that's my bow. I need a name for it. Any good suggestions?
Blue WaterThe following photo is not in any way editted.

The water in the drain is BLUE. What the heck did they spill into the drains?
Star Flower 
Like a shooting star streaking through the sky, cutting a white trail behind it's path. Evokes much imagination.
Some trick I learnt in a minute.
But most importantly, I;m here to introduce you to:

Isn't he adorable?
pondered @ 23:05
Friday, December 16, 2005
The Neko made sense!
Finally! Finished writing nad posting the Christmas cards. Either I missed alot of peolpe the past few years or I've been sending two cards in each envelope. Either case, the whole process took me a WHOLE week! Enough to evoke a sense of panic by Thursday.
Oh well, the worst is behind me, as I struggle to get back to making a decision on my future. Jolted back to reality by Mei today. Who would've guessed that the little neko had given me a much needed inspiration. I would never have reckoned that she would have had plans for the future (sorry Mei!).
So, besides having a goal to work towards, I need to have a P-L-A-N! A plan.
I think it looks like this now:
A) Immediate Plan
1) Find out as much as I can on political science: i) course details ii) application details (deadlines and paperwork)i) entry requirements
2) Find out about studying in UK: i) application details ii) entry requirements
3) Find out about studying overseas: i) application details
4) Check finances: i) Can I afford? ii) Financing plans (Scholarships/Loans)
B) Short Term Plan
1) Figure out new plans if Plan A fails
2) Figure out what to do after school (Masters? Career?)
C) Long Term Plan
1) Figure out what the hell I want
2) Constantly review plans
Hmm... That's not exactly a briliant plan, but I think it'll lead me somewhere. it's a far cry from the old method of thinking. It was much simpler: Just do it. I can't hope that I can keep chucking up the ball and praying that hits the target. People need to aim and to plan too. It is unreasonable to believe that I can stay lucky forever.
I'm glad that I am putting in effort to LISTEN to what people say. Words of wisdom can be found if you manage to trigger the right topic. It's quite an interesting feeling really. It's like when people say "Stop trying to so hard." It's true. Trying too hard works against you, and amongst the bad things it does, it imparts unto people tunnel vision.
Tunnel vision is bad. Had you have your eyes checked for tunnel-vision today?
pondered @ 20:08
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Busy. Not forgotten.
pondered @ 22:09
Friday, December 09, 2005
Decide already
Sudden bout of indecision with regards to my future, as the eleventh hour draws near. I had never considered Engineering to be the right choice of studies, but my plan was to get a degree, a degree that gives me a tool to get employed, and slowly work upwards to change the world.
I'm staring to realize the many inherent flaws in that course of action. Indecision is now rife in my mind, and question being asked that do little to comfort an already confused state.
Should I change course, maybe even go overseas? Political Science?
Time is not on my side.
pondered @ 20:51
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Playful innocence easily leads to misinterpretation. If you choose to read it any other way, then I have to say I'm very sorry if you feel this way.
Forgive my bluntness, but I do whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don't want to have to act differently just because of one person.
Am I that different to make you feel akward around my presence?
I guess that's the price you have to pay.
Oh yes. Just because you're older than me, it's not an excuse for preferential treatment. You've got to prove that your maturity is not merely a false front that cannot be sustained indefinitely.
For playful innoncence is not an open invitation to a dance of seduction. In fact I find myself somewhat disappointed. Moreso with each passing day. How much longer can you keep up?
pondered @ 20:56
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
"If knowing tomorrow was your very last day to live, knowing that there was no turning back, no time to squeeze. Just one day before it ends. How would you choose to spend those last precious moments?"
And so asked the midnight cat.
I thought long and hard, to contemplate the infinitepermutations to his playful question. I thought, and thought and finallysaw, the answer that I would surely give.
So I smiled at the midnight cat, whose grinning face patiently followed my every move. I told him.
"If tomorrow was my very last day, I would elect to spend it as all my every other days. My life is without much regret, and tomorrow I will continue with that which is left."
And he simply turned and said, "I hope that's true."
pondered @ 22:31
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Operation Big Group
I'm starting to realize the futility of the strength of one person.
One individual can only achieve so much despitethe effort he puts in. People like me think we can change the world by simply lugging it on our backs and then dragging it along. First of all, the world's a rather heavy thing, and with all these individuals trying to pull it in so many different directions, we often cancel each other out.
So, I have decided that I have to learn to be a social creature. First of all, I have got to brush up on my communication skills, and then a little work on my charm and much practice through interaction, I think I might be well on my way to changing the world.
On a lighter note, I managed to type this entire post without looking at the keyboard. =)
pondered @ 18:56