Friday, December 16, 2005
The Neko made sense!
Finally! Finished writing nad posting the Christmas cards. Either I missed alot of peolpe the past few years or I've been sending two cards in each envelope. Either case, the whole process took me a WHOLE week! Enough to evoke a sense of panic by Thursday.
Oh well, the worst is behind me, as I struggle to get back to making a decision on my future. Jolted back to reality by Mei today. Who would've guessed that the little neko had given me a much needed inspiration. I would never have reckoned that she would have had plans for the future (sorry Mei!).
So, besides having a goal to work towards, I need to have a P-L-A-N! A plan.
I think it looks like this now:
A) Immediate Plan
1) Find out as much as I can on political science: i) course details ii) application details (deadlines and paperwork)i) entry requirements
2) Find out about studying in UK: i) application details ii) entry requirements
3) Find out about studying overseas: i) application details
4) Check finances: i) Can I afford? ii) Financing plans (Scholarships/Loans)
B) Short Term Plan
1) Figure out new plans if Plan A fails
2) Figure out what to do after school (Masters? Career?)
C) Long Term Plan
1) Figure out what the hell I want
2) Constantly review plans
Hmm... That's not exactly a briliant plan, but I think it'll lead me somewhere. it's a far cry from the old method of thinking. It was much simpler: Just do it. I can't hope that I can keep chucking up the ball and praying that hits the target. People need to aim and to plan too. It is unreasonable to believe that I can stay lucky forever.
I'm glad that I am putting in effort to LISTEN to what people say. Words of wisdom can be found if you manage to trigger the right topic. It's quite an interesting feeling really. It's like when people say "Stop trying to so hard." It's true. Trying too hard works against you, and amongst the bad things it does, it imparts unto people tunnel vision.
Tunnel vision is bad. Had you have your eyes checked for tunnel-vision today?
pondered @ 20:08