Saturday, July 30, 2005
Bird in the Nest like an interesting place for a light read. It's a little glimmer of hope that exists, demonstratng that there are Singaporeans who can at least piece together a decent sentence without having to make use of the "las", "lehs" and the even more annoying methods of typig. (SucHz aZ dIs waYz...)
I was pretty impressed by the standard of english found on the blog that I have decided to put a link to it.
But of course, that is not to say that it is a badge of merit nor any great recognition. It's in fact, it is more of an exasperated, resentful reflection at the deplorable state of the quality of Singaporean writing.
People try hard to express their views, yet, it is always obvious that they hardly allow their most honest thoughts escape the surface. It is as though something holds them back. It is quite sad to witness such occurances, and perhaps, Singapore is the only place where they can be a big fuss our the contents of someone's blog.
How can they ever have the courage to do things they want to, and say things that they mean if they are constantly reminded of the scorn and disapproval that society will "reward" such efforts with. Who would dare to fly out of the enst if the only words they hear warns them of the terrible fate that awaits if they fail to soar? Even though all hope is placed on the chick making those brave steps out of the tree, the mother bird choose to caution the young bird incessantly. What else can the young bird feel but worthless? The resentment borne within surely will find a way to express itself.
It is no wonder that those who flew into the sky never turn back.
Thus, the easiest path is one of apathy. To not care about the surroundings, and spend a continued existence in denial; a lie that promises a quiet life. In the end, it is only delusion that drives the soul.
But what if everyone was apathetic? Who would fight for the future? Who will strive for a better tomorrow?
It is not just a comfortable life that we look for, instead, it is a better life taht we seek, is it not? To improve, to be better, to search for a greater truth. To to contend ourselves with letting someone else deal with the problems.
The politicaisn are slowly stepping down, the change of guard is in progress, and for now, is still a smooth transition. What comes after that, that is a good question. Who will lead the new blood? Who is willing to take the mantle? I don't see anyone up to this challenge.
They have been so successful breeding generations of obedient citizens that they might actually be clueless whenthere's is no one else to obey. Now that, would be a real problem.
pondered @ 21:46
Friday, July 29, 2005
Oh well... I got hit by the tag bomb at Mei's blog... And since I'm feeling bored, here goes nothing.
Five things I can't live without
1. My Individuality. I dislike conformity. It's too darn boring for the world to be lacking the individual.
2. Art. What is this world without art?
3. Pen/Pencil and Paper. What will I ever draw without them?
4. Music
5. The Cerulean Sky.
Five foods/beverages that I love
1. Pasta. It's got Tomatoes! Mmmm...
2. Pizza.
3. Chocolate. The food of the Gods, nuff said.
4. Well-cooked fish. Anyone knows my insane appetite for fish! Almost any fish goes, raw, fried, grilled, steam, whatever.
5. There's this pork stew, that my mom makes. It's filled with fat and stuff, but it's delicious!
6. Ops... There's only supposed to be 5?
Five things that I always have with me
1. Pen/Pencil. How can you not have a pen by your side eternally?
2. Sketchbook
3. A Jackknife. Self-defence =)
4. Cylaum Stick
5. Wallet/iPod/Mobile phone/Keys
Five things I will always and forever hate
1. Cockroaches. Fcuking scourage of the Universe.
2. Noise. The world is noisy enough, please keep it down.
3. Not being able to own a gun. Thanks to the millions of irresponsible people out there.
4. High-Pitched sounds.
5. Many Singaporeans. Especially the irrational bunch who think they are the centre of the Universe.
People who have to do this!
Anyone who sleeps with a bolster. =P
pondered @ 22:25
Many years ago, I would have frowned at a cup of yoghurt, and probably spit out any that found its way into my mouth. This day, I seem to have acquired a liking to yoghurt instead.
Things do change, and the next thing I know, I might be found eating butter with bread and drinking plain milk. It's not likely, but it's not entirely impossible either.
We simply have to understand that things will change, and you will never truly predict what might be the case in time to come.
Speaking of time, I have seemed to have reached a stage in life were I can use the term "many years ago". That was fast. Soon, it will be "In my time", later "Long time ago" and eventually it will be absolutely depressing to reach a stage where you don't remember a single thing.
It's all part of the external quandary. As we age, we find a return to innocence, a return to simplicity and an appreciation of the details that surround you. It makes them kind of adorable in many ways, just like children.
Oh my... I'm talking about kids. The very little things that I abhor! Alright, I admit that not all of them are nasty little
devils creatures things. It might actually turn out to be the average Singaporean kids who are a bunch of brats. Afterall, I've hardly seen any other part of the world where the kids are so pampered. Sometimes, I fear for the future generations, for when they grown up, how will they react to the world?
pondered @ 22:06
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
I wonder
I'm feeling bored, so let's take a quick timeout to discuss blogs.
I often wonder what my readers expect when they enter my blog. Aside from those who find it through the search engines, I have not a clue tot the motivations behind the visits.
I like to think that many of you come here because of the way I write, that you might remotely fancy the views of a radically misaligned person. It would even be much of an honour to entertain my esteemed viewers if that were the case.
But we'll never know, won't we?
If I were to hazard a guess, the outright majority of the readers of my blog are indeed regular readers. I think the question that should be asked is "Why bother?"
I mean, what is so amusing about the daily occurrences in someone's life? Is there a hope that a new little insight could be revealed through the viewing of one's online diary? I don't have an answer yet, but given the mundane nature of most blogs around, I find it quite miraculous that the proliferation of said blogs are indeed quite rampant.
Personally, I would advise anyone seeking to chronicle the personal events of your life to promptly invest in a diary. That way, there's not a high chance that many people would get to read it. That way, what you do NOT want others to read shall NOT be read.
Blogs are meant to be shared, the name, being derived from weBLOG, and I find it quite a pity that not many people find the courage to express their views without fear of the consequences. They are also aware of the possibility that the wrong person might chance upon the particular entry. If that is the case, my advice is to NOT write that entry in the first place.
Oh, and all the questions here are rhetoric.
pondered @ 23:13
Saturday, July 23, 2005
On many different things
First, let's start off with something light.
-----In summary, the world was made aware of the vulnerability to attacks carried out by suicide bombers. Fortunately, thursday's incident did not escalate into a crisis, much due to the inability of the bombers this time around. "Duds", that is what the London Police said they were. Friday saw an outrageous shooting incident, where according to eye-witness reports "They pressed him to the ground and fire 5 shots at point blank range." Have the London police lost their nerves? Firing 5 shots at point blank at a suspect who was not even armed seems hardly justified. This morning saw a series of car bombs in Egypt, killing at least 40 people.
Is terrorism proliferating rampantly?
The extremists are getting emboldened with every successful attack they carry out. Each new minute gives them more courage and reason to believe they are seeing the results of their efforts.
And the more solemn, unspoken truth: they have suffered much more casualties than the rest of the world. Everyday that the fighting continues, lives are lost. Every suicide bomb they use takes lives, but, so does the bombs dropped by the US Air Force.
People are begining to be blinded by rage and fail to see the people who suffer. That will only lead to more mistakes in a game where there are no winners. In the end, everyone will end up a loser.
Now is not the time to call for more blood. Now is the time to build bonds, a time to resolve the differences. It is high them for peace.
-----I realize that come monday, it will exactly 365 days before I go back to school, and 387 more days to freedom. With it, a hope that motivation can be found. Motivation and a competitive environment would be a refreshing change. A fututre place where I can place blind hope upon. Blind hope that it would be more interesting. At least more interesting than nothing. Like I like to say: Mundanity kills.
It kills time, and kills creativity. It starts making me think of dumb things. It keeps reminding me of more primal cravings, it reminds me of the body's hunger for sex. It keeps demanding for companionship, and warps perception. Girls are not idividuals but merely objects. Objects that must give me the attention I crave.
Sometimes it almost seems as if I have lost the ability to view the female gender as people too. How can they have flaws? That's inconceivable. They are perfect, they cannot be otherwise, and perfect people never let others down.
But in truth, they are only human, like me.
Only in such boring times can I think of such incredulous "ideals".
And what's this perverse compulsion to be perfect? To be the perfect gentleman, to be the perfect person, to act perfectly correct and to be nothing but perfect.
I'm just trying to hard.
pondered @ 21:57
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad!
Russell PetersOMG!! This is pure crack!The best stand-up comedy crap I've seen! It's good shit man! Warning: Might induce premature labour.
pondered @ 20:18
Sunday, July 17, 2005

Contax G2. New camera my Uncle lent me to try out, and once again, I am swayed back to the film SLR side.
Superior image quality, superior construction and permanance.
On the other hand, the ability to take many shots and review them instantly.
But isn't that what the point and shoot is for...?
Tough choices. Which one to pick?
pondered @ 20:24
Saturday, July 16, 2005
pondered @ 22:18
Friday, July 15, 2005
OSC's 3rd Annivesary
Lag alert: At least 20 photos in this entry. For the sake of non-broadband users, most of it has been thumbnailed.15th of July, which translates to a Unit Welfare activity! So instead of reporting to base at 0800, we had to assemble at the carpark near the World Trade Centre. After the mandatory role-call, off we went to board the bus.

Up the Bus we went, where to on this nice early morning? Whereever it is, let's have ourselves a ball of a time.

Yes everybody, we are headed for Sentosa! I can't remember the last time I went to that place, and well, having to participate in an amazing race there seemed to be an interesting challenge.

So I looked at my team and said "We're going to win this!" Alwyn with that huge smile confirmed that sentiment.(From left to right, Alwyn, Henry and Qingyong.)

And across the Bridge we go, to enter into Sentosa.

And after a short ride, and collection of the first clue, off we went. Alwyn with a huge smile and a Victory sign. Let's go!

Fellow photographers, Jianxiong(left) and SuChang trying to figure out the gear. Guys, we're in a race here. Well, if it slows them down, then everyone stands to gain =)

The bus meant was filled with all the teams, who "intelligently" decided to follow each other. I can only imagine the chaos if the had gotten the first clue wrong.

Who says that we cannot stop to take photos in a race? Here Su Chang attempts a quick shot before making his getaway.
The clue given to us involved interpreting a set of mahjong tiles. The "south" tile was missing, tus, we surmised that we should make our way to the a place on the map labeled "Southern most Point of the Asia Continent." We got off the bus and found our selves looking at a suspension bridge adjourned by a tall wooden gate.
We made our way to the Southern Most Point of the Asia Continent. Considering that Singapore is not exactly connectd to the continent... It's not very accurate.
Enter thee, brave warriros, pass the drawbridge to face the ends of the land.
The affable JX giving us all a big two-handed wave.
Walking on the suspension bridge.
And we finally reached the first checkpoint. The task was to travel up the observation tower and memorize a list of items, return to ground level and write it down.
25 items, and a total of 4 floors. I took 3 trips before we finished that task.
The second clue was a no-brainer. It read: 5.40pm to 6.40 pm and 7.20 pm to 8.20 pm. A pair of timings? The show-times of the Musical Fountain, so naturally, that was our next destination.
Got a little distracted. =)
Apparently, one too many distractison along the way =p
Well, the entrance that we arrived at was closed. What shall we do? Heh. No mere fence is going to stop us soldiers. Hopefully, the management of Sentosa does not sue the SAF for trespassing.
This task was a very difficult one. We spent almost 30 minutes there, and our position dropped all the way down to fifth. But no matter, we reached the next checkpoint rather promptly.
Say cheese, and that applies to you too Mr. Snake. From left to right, Alwyn, Henry, our Regular team mate, Sarge Lit, Myself and Qingyong.
Now the last clue, it got us in quite a little fix. It was simply two dates, 9th of August and 14th of February. Think, think think... and finally I figure to make our way to the Orchid garden. None of the teams seem to have figured it, and I thought it couldn't be so easy, but heck, it's do or die. If we couldn't find it, we'll just go to the Forefeit Station and ask for the answer.
So, see the smile on my face? Of course we would get it right! And here I am, making the koi kiss my hand. I think I'm getting good at it!
And what do you know? We won!
Ok... I'm absolutely tired of trying to post the picture on my blog AND imagestation. So just go to my imagestation album to view it. =)
pondered @ 23:00
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Philosophical Discourse
People talk of reality as though it is some cosmic constant, and if they are to be believed, it is an irrefutable observation of the deterministic nature of the universe.
Reality, as told by man, is uniquely constant.
That is of course, ignoring the fact that the human perception, the human conciousness, exists as a relative state to the rest of the Universe.
Human cognition comprehends the world in relation to the human experience. Take away physical sensations, take away emotions, and the world would be a whole different experience.
Man need not look far to find evidence of deviant behaviour. The affliction known as autism presents a unique perspective, and the method an autistic person perceives the world varies quite drastically from the average.
He who is lacking the understanding of human emotion sees the world in a clarity that perhaps endows him with a more precise view of "reality".
Often, I think I understand people with autistic tendencies more than the people next to me. I often find reality a warped mess. Twisted by the sweet lies that the mind conjures, and painted over with little rainbows that only serve to hide the blemishes. Often, I find that autism is more a gift. Afterall, it is the "logical" mind that is able to ignore so much.
In truth, there are multitudes unexplained phenomena in reality. Glaring loopholes that the human mind seem to be blind to. Questions like the origins of the Universe, the beginning of existence, these are such perttinent questions, yet the average human finds it only natural to be more occupied with what he can see. Why such idiosyncrasies persist truly eludes me.
Perhaps it is the advent of free choice. The right to choose that has resulted in an explosion of material wealth. Once opressed peopl are now free to engage themselves in whatever physical gratification that they desire.
The Dark Ages and the Wars have long passed, but the promised age seems so distant yet within grasp. However, the frustrating truth remains: it has not arrived. At least it is better than living in perpetual suffering.
Questions still remain unaswered, and it dos not take much to establish the fact that the moment they are answered, it will only lead to even more perplexing questions, and it is not even neccessarily man's destiny to answer them.
Sometimes what is real and what is not is merely s simple matter of what the mind thinks. It is all quite ambiguous.
Ambiguity. I for one cannot dictate what man's intrinsic worth, nor it is within me to speculate the nature of our being. What I daresay is that I believe in the intangible nature of the world. It gives it an irresistable alure, an almost seductive quality to the mysteries it holds.
pondered @ 21:39
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Busy week and I am now linux user. Rather, a poseur with a Linux/XP dual boots. =p
It's been a really busy weekend, having to reinstall Windows, the gargantuan task of figuring out Ubuntu Linux and of course, the tinkering with the new cell phone. It's all cool. Busy helps time pass, and busy makes you feel motivated.
It can also be quite overwhelming, especially when you d0n't know where to start first.
No matter. It's still a far cry from having nothing to do at all.
About 3 hours ago, Juan Pablo Montoya won the British GP, and Raikkonen came in thrid. A pretty decent race by my standards. Had the presence of interesting overtaking and brilliant racing. However, I do think that the new ruling about a single set of tyres and the 1 lap qualifying must go. It is simply quite a bore to have to endure a the qualifying session. Moreover, the lack of tyre change is limiting the involvement of pit-stop strategy.
I miss the good old days where there was the 12 lap qualifying session.
As for the tyre limitation, it has been said that the super-soft compound are not exactly an affordable commodity for the lower-end teams, thus the FIA deemed it neccessary to outlaw tyre changes in the course of a race.
Mandatory changes they say. And the past 4 years have seen many changes in F1, and many, not met with great acclaim. Regardless, the love for racing never dies, and there will still be viewrs, as long as there is a inkling for speed.
A speaking of speed, time has seemed to have raced by. It's almost with horror that I look at the clock and realize that it is way past midnight. Gosh.
pondered @ 12:30
Friday, July 08, 2005
Why attack civilians?
Because terrorism is bound by no rules. Honour? What's that. Compassion? Never heard of.
They are too unpredictable. Zealots fervently fighting for a cause.
A silent respect for they who understand that the seed of destruction lie in chaos.
And I pity them. They are also pawns manipulated by misguided leaders. Disillusioned men who find reason against peace.
Do I hate them? Maybe.
Innoncent lives... But it does not matter whose side it's from. Every life lost adds to the body count, and every one, is a loss that humanity cannot afford.
Please. No more fighting.
pondered @ 10:39
Thursday, July 07, 2005
The death of Formula One?
Reports have been surfacing, discussing the practicalities of a break-way Grand Prix. Apparently, Mercedes, Williams, BMW, Renault Honda and Toyota have/will be holding meetings to discuss the details of the new series.
The last time this happened was about 5 years ago, and then it was over the revenue generated through viewrship.Fortunately, they reached a compromise.
As we all, know, 5 years is quite a long time for an old man. in this case, Bernie Eccelstone. People say he has gotten more senile, and coupled with the irrationality of Max Mosely, there is a very real threat to the continuation of the F1 series.
After the outrageous exit of 7 teams from the US GP, the future of F1 seems at the very best, uncertain.
Many people would point out that if the breakaway series materializes, the only teams left in the original series would be Ferrari and Jordan. It wouldn't be very exciting watching Ferrari win every race with a 10 lap lead, would it?
Politics leading to the downfall of one of the most well-established sports in the world. That would indeed be a first. The stakes are outrageously high. Revenue in the millions of pounds for each individual team, and possibly billions on the whole.Formula One sustains whole towns. Towns that depend on the profits generated by the race weekend on that track.
Most importantly, it will take away the fond memories of a million different fans, who only wish to experience the thrill of the race.
pondered @ 09:42
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Captain Gavin.
Someday, I'm going to fly a plane. Up in the sky where the blue is infinite, and the world below keeps rolling into an endless blur.Like the birds in the sky, I shall find my wings.Find the wings, the wings of steel that will bring me miles and miles, and faster. High where you I am a shooting star, racing the last rays of dusk or meeting the first light of dawn. Up with the white cotton clouds, the blue beyond where dreams are made.A feel the vastness of the cerulean realm, that is where I shall be.
"Good morning, this is your captain speaking. Today, we shall journey into the bright blue sky"Captain Gavin. Yes, that sounds perfectly wonderful.
pondered @ 18:00
Driving "blind"
Illegal turn
Illegal U-turn
I think that is enough to get my license revoked? Not too bad for a first road trip with the guys. It was fun but also mortifying to not know the way around. You lose confidence. But I want to do it again. =)
pondered @ 17:18
Friday, July 01, 2005
Center of the Universe = Fullerton
Well, went down to Chinatown for a photo shoot. I admit, it was rather disappointing. Mainly becuase of a reluctance to take any photos of the people, in fear of them getting violent towrads us. I guess the next time round, I'll be more audacious. The photos from my camera will probably be posted as soon as I get them developed.
Meanwhile, here's some shots taken by the *ahem* professional *ahem*.

An Indian Temple at China town. The Sri Mariaman temple I presume. We wanted to go in, but it's $6 for a "Camera Ticket". Decided otherwise.

An overview of Chinatown. Or at least one of the better shots.

Then we made our way down to Far East Square.

This one was taken by me. My camera ran out of film by this time. See the difference?

Where's the beach? Taken by me again. It's harder to take with a digital camera I admit...

Passed by some interesting glass building, behind china street. Chinatown as only so much to offer, especially when two cowards procastinate on taking pictures of real people. Found a few interesting shots.
So, we walked and we walked and walked some more. Aimlessly. Lo and behold, after an hour, what do we see?

You you know where that is?

It's the Fullerton!
Yeah. I seem to have a deep affinity with this place, so strong that I seem to gravitate towards it. I'm simply in love with it. Maybe it is the center of my Universe? That place is simply beautiful. And maybe, there is no greater joy than to be there. Can you imagine? Walking from Chinatown all the way down to the Fullerton Hotel?

Once, I saw an old man do this. Today, was my turn.
Anyway, last shot of the day. The batteries died, and I had no film. So we called it a day.
I saw the new trailer for Advent Children. It's got the Highwind! Woot! Now I'm feeling all excited. September 14th: the Japanese release date.
pondered @ 16:44