Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I'm eating a bag of cheese flavored Nacho chips
Someone help me... It's killing me... cheese!!
I think I'm gonna die.
What am I thinking...?
The taste is not the prboblem, it's the smell of the cheese...
God. I'm putting that bag of chips away before something happens.
pondered @ 21:58
Last day at OSC
So today's the last day in OSC, and tomorrow's a rest day. After that, It's Friday.
Friday won't come too easily, now that everyone has palced such high hopes on me. It's no big deal... Just another dozen or so more people on the list who expect me to make it into OCS, that's nothing.
Who am I kididng? I'm even starting to feel a little pressurized. Yes, Gavin is feeling the pressure, the guy who didn't feel much more then a slight squeeze during the A levels.
Then again, it's very reassuring to know that so many people have faith in me.My buddies Seng, Houf and Kheng, always the first ones to support me, then of course, there's also Neubs. Basically the closer friends whom I actually informed. Of course there are also those who gave word of encouragement online, many thanks goes out to them too.
Then of course there's my colleges, and Lieutenant Daniel who trained with me and helped me settle all the loose ends. And not forgetting my bosses either.
I won't let you guys down, and I will give it all my might, because anything other then OCS will simply not suffice.
It's just a pity that I've still not received the support of someone. It's quite sad, or should I say, I'm sad and disappointed. You could have made it all perfect. But no matter. Perhaps our paths have really split forever. I feel so distanced. Maybe Tekong will help to forget.
If it doesn't whatever's after that would. I wish you all the best nevertheless.
pondered @ 20:12
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Some people just do not fit into a system, and I'm glad to say that I'm going to be out of that place. As a chef would tell you, one bad egg is all it takes to spoil a cake. And I agree.
I hate interacting with people who just have a problem. They exist and it's amazing how they're inextricably drawn to me. People who somehow find joy in creating an uncondusive environment for others. It is confounding trying to understand this "phenomena," and the worst part is? There is no escape, except to be above it or outside of it.
Is stupidity a desired trait of evolution?If it is not, then I demand an explanation to why it abounds? Was it not stated in Darwin's Theory that only desirable attributes are allowed a continued existence? Survival of the fittest? Does that go on to prove that stupidity is a prerequisite of "fit". Or does it prove that Darwin's theory is incorrect?
Or perhaps it is because Man allows their continued existence?
Sometimes I just wish that the world woul do something about these people. Get rid of them through some process of natural selection? Put them all in a big yellow apce ship and send them on a misison ot the Sun. While we're at it, we tell them that we're launching the spacecraft at night so they won't get scroched by the heat. Heck, that'll be so nice, if only it could happen.
I for one can't afford a spaceship and for another thing, don't think that killing off a sizeable population of the Earth would be a very welcomed idea.
Image all the politicians who would be complaining to me the next morning. Not such a good ida afterall.
Alternatively, we could get all the people who are not stupid and then send off in a spacecraft to some place away from the others. Maybe that's a better idea. It'll give the stupid bunch the satisfaction of getting rid of the smart people, and the smart people the satisfaction of being rid of them.
Then maybe they will start to annoy each other back on earth and realize how annoying they are. Hopefully then will either learn to stop annoying people or kill each other in utter annoyance. Either way, the Earth would be less of an annoyance in any case.
Final message to those people? Whatever it is, just leave me alone.
pondered @ 11:12
Monday, September 27, 2004
I was planning to design a blog template today, but instead, I spent my time helping yingmei tweak her blog... Nevermind, It's almost the same thing. And after that I realized something... If morenames are aded to the links sidebar, then ther's a possibility that it will encroach ito the archives sidebar... It's easily fixed by adjusting to archives position, but I have got to warn her about that.
pondered @ 22:54
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Did I mention that my Aunt got me the D-NE700? Yeah, she did, and it's pretty cool, although I did take me almost 3 hours just to burn an ATRAC3 CD. note to self: Next time, just burn a conventionla mp3 CD, saves me a whole load of time.
I also realized that My songs only take up about 500 MB, the songs that I listen to often that is... So... Won't I be under utlizing an iPod if I got one? Hmmm... I still want an iPod.
All of a sudden, I have a weird urge to go play GTA Vice city...
Never mind. I'll probably send some time tonight continuing "Blue Skies."
It's a good quite night and it's pretty condusive to writing. It's about to rain outside, cause I can hear the rumblings of thunder, and the smell of rain is in the air. The kind of wet grass smell that pervades the surroundings when rain is imminent.
I don't mind, as long as I'm indoors. =)
pondered @ 18:55
I'm doing Sunday duty, which will also be my last duty in OSC.
Was greeted by a dog when I arrived at the office. The stray that I saw roaming about since friday. Quite a poor thing, with it's fur coming off and looking so hungry.
Hey, at least there's something to keep me occupied. A companion to play with, if you may. Maybe today's duty won't be such a boring task after all.
pondered @ 10:45
Thursday, September 23, 2004
1 more week to tekong... At least today's lunch was good.
Must go by a discman this weekend. Need at least some music to survive on tekong. That place's just a vaccuum for your brain. It kills brains.
Looking this discman

It's $189... So prolly gonna go get it this saturday. Bugt of course, the ultimate aim would be the iPod! Can't wait to get an iPod. Question is when can I afford it...
Did I mention that I missed leeson 3 and 4 of the advance theory for driving...? yeah.
Anyways, I'll be leaving ehre, hope everyone has a nice day~! See you around!
pondered @ 21:42
Monday, September 20, 2004
Blue Skies
Chapter 1: Celebration ends in rain
"The sky was dark. On the day meant for celebration. A parade ending in a rain of blood. How nice."
-1st Lieutenant Gilphur Windsor on his commisioning parade.
The Royal Command Academy was where the officers of the Ashgarn Army where trained, and a building of such prestige would no doubt be lavishsly constructed. The whole academy itself was built to serve as a fortress, but it's designers had also spent much effort into making it a visual spectacle. A glance from outside would not indicate the nature of this buidling, except for the presence of the sentry post in between the 2 intricately sculpted wrought-iron gates marking the entrance. The walls that connect to the iron gates glimmered in the sun, white marble adorned them, and underneath that marble skin laid solid granite, reinforced with a steel superstructure. Beneath the beauty laid a strong foundation, just like the rest of the school. Aside from the countless gardens and fountains, the school was fortified with the most advanced of weapons available in the army. The only building better equipped than the Royal Command Academy was the Ashgarn Military Command building.
Today marked it's 150th annivesary and also, the graduation day of a hundred and eighty new officers. As warranted by the sheer granduer of the occassion, the President of Ashgarn was expected to be in attendance, where he would personally inspect and eventually commission the 180 officers.
Speaking of which, the young men had been waiting all morning for the festivities to commence. Gilphur stood in the front row, one of the handful who would receive the sword of honor. A prestige reserved only for the most promising of the cohort.
He spotted his parents in the grandstand, and he smiled. "You proud of me?" He quietly muttered. Inside of him, he knew he did not deserve all this. Slowly, that sense of inadequacy crept into his mind. All he wanted was for the parade to begin. At least it would help keep himself from thinking too much.
He wished it would begin also because it was uncomfortable standing in the middle of the parade square. Secondly, his ceremonial uniform was uncomfortable, being made with a thick and heavy fabric which did little to dissipate heat from the body. Lastly, it looked as though rain was imminent. If it rained now, Gilphur knew that he was going to be both hot and wet.
Then a low rumbling was heard. Gilphur could almost hear the moans and groans from his fellow cadets. It sounded like thunder.
Or so it did to most. Gilphur didn't concur.
That was not thunder, very similar, but not identical. It sounded like something else, but what exactly it was Gilphur could not exactly grasp. Then it was heard again. This time, it was accompanied by a slight temor. A very faint movement in the ground, but to the well trained soldiers, they felt it. Faces began looking at each other in bewilderment, asking the next person "what was that?"
What it was, Gilphur suddenly understood. It was an explosion.
What occurred next could simply be described as chaos.
pondered @ 13:24
Blue Skies:
"Sir! Wake up! You're not suppposd to be sleeping on duty." A distant voice seemd to be telling Winston. He hated being awakened from his sleep, though he was not supposed to be sleeping at the sentry post.
He stared at his partner and cursed under his breath. He should not be putting up with this, he silently grumbled. He hated having to be on guard, and he also detested having such an uptight partner. "Stinking rookie," He mubbled.
Making matters worse was the fact that he would be missing the graduation parade, particularly the graduation parade of his pal. The Royal Ashgarn Army held it's officers in high esteem, for the army was severly in shortage of leaders. No expense would be saved for the lavish ceremony, and Winston knew that, that is why he felt even more furious.
Winston picked up the newspaper on the desk, and flipped though a few pages. "Soldiers missing from border patrol," "6 soldiers found dead," "Sentry post found raided." Random acts of violence again. It's becoming increasingly frequent, and a little too predictable to be random. Winston took out his notebook and noted the incidents in his log.
Dismayed that his superior was not carrying out his duties properly, Winston's partner politely asked him to concentrate on the task at hand. That of course was greeted with a rahther impatient rebuke. "Hey! Look at the rank, and then tell me if I should be ordered around by a corporal."
An awkward silence filled the sentry post. Putting down the papers stared blankly into the grey skies as the corporal shifted his attention towards the horizon, somewhat dejectedly.
He felt slightly remorseful, and a compelling need to relief some of the tension, prompted him to start some conversation. So he asked his partner, "Corporal, ever wished some fighting would break out? Just to have some action. Or maybe even war "
The corporal was taken by surprise, but was quick in his answer. "Captain, you know what I really think? I think war is already here."
Winston was impressed, and his resentment towards the corporal ebbed. In fact he kind of liked him now. He only got that answer from one other person, the very person whose graduation he was about to miss. The rest of them, they were just content to be in the army that sits around and enjoys the peace.
Winston put his hand on the corporal's shoulder, "know what? that's how I feel too. What's your name corporal? Tell me."
Travor at your service, sir! I've just joined the army not too long ago.
"Travor, you should learn to relax a little." Winston suggested.
"Sorry sir, but when ever the dark clouds approach, I can't help but feel uneasy." Travor answer.
Winston shared the same sentiments, and today, those feelings were unusually strong. He hoped that the heavens would not pour it's tears down, marring an otherwise joyous occasion.
In the distance, the rumble of thunder could be heard.
pondered @ 10:59
Sunday, September 19, 2004
First off, I'd like to welcome one and all to my blog at blogspot. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I'd decided to make a shift from opendiary.
Ah... The sands continue to tumble doen the hourglass as the 1st of Cotober creeps ever closer. 10 more days to be exact. In case I hvaen't told you guys, I am going back to Tekong for BMT on the 1st of Oct. Gotta start preparing mentally and physically, or rather, gotta complete those preparations.
It's gonna pretty exciting, and at the same time, pretty taxing.
It's gonna be hard to bid farewell to the friends I've made in OSC, and I'm going to miss that place. However, I just can't miss out on an adventure can?
Why, I'd be off here, hope everyone has a great week ahead, and see you around!
pondered @ 19:13
Yup! I finally finished the CLoud Template. Rather proud of myslef, though in the process of making the template, I let time slip by without knowing. Yeah, 6 hours just came and went, leaving me feeling rather sleepy and tired. I'll be back for more soon, so just stick around, and await the decision. Whetehr I would shift my diary here or not! Yeah. As I like to say, hope you guys ahve a nice day and see you around!
pondered @ 01:57
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Well... Opendiary has had a hacker attack and's not very stable, so I had quite some time on my hands to create my very own template.
pondered @ 18:57