Friday, December 21, 2007
In the meantime, I hope you smile
It happens to be a public holiday today, and the postmen most certainly are not working. When the postmen are not working, they fail to deliver certain letters, letters which hold inside their pages, words deep and cryptic, and perhaps, it would be safe to write those letters on such days.
Left in a contemplative mood, with the ambient music conducive to silent reflection. Wondering through the rose tinted glass of the current times, of things that were not to be; of times unfathomable in reality, resigned to the chapters of the imagination.
I'm thinking, how can I prove to the princess, the value of the longing with nothing much as a troll to slay. How can on prove one's devotion to prove a point in this day and age?
No answers for such a qestion. I bide my time, some more, for a sign or a chance.
It's difficult to find the thing to do, that's the price we pay, living in times like these.
pondered @ 00:00