Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Waiting for Godot

3. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
3 / 25

It is a remarkable achievement to have finished a book, no a play to be precise, in just 2 days.

Beckett's Godot, appears to be a utterly random and unconnected series of expressions that only serve to confound and perplex the reader. There is hardly any plot, and waht little provides little insight into anything but the condition of the human affliction.

We only know this. Two men, waiting for this "Godot". Who is this Godot? His identity till the end remains veiled in secrecy, or is it a device of Beckett's? An allusion to the countless figures men look forward to chancing upon, or have been instructed to anticipate the coming of? Might it be the personification of idol worship, or a thinly disguised attack on eligious fervour?

This Godot, is supposed to deliver to Vladimir and Estragon answers. The similarity between Godot and God, might be more than mere conincidence.

Anyway, I detract from the enjoyment of a funny, yet sad story, of the comical duo who lead their tragic lives.

Indeed, a tragi-comedy in two acts.

Btw, I'm annoyed with Harris and their price tags. I can't get the sticky part of my books. Now I know why they're 25% off.

Gavin pondered @ 23:02

Under the layers of dust