Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A rare double post, but I simply have too much to contain within me. I feel that I'm losing touch with my purpose. I had 2 opportunities to help another person today and I let them slip.

To reaffirm the lost gentleman he;s on the right train. I failed. To inform the two teens where their card had fallen, I neglected.

Such weighed heavily on my soul. I had to do something, something to remedy and chase the apathy away. Then I did something I felt was nice, I gave the cleaner a small token of appreciation for his efforts. It was going to be his last day.

Have I found so much doubt in me that even the basic principles and morals have not stood the test?

Damn, I hope not.

Carpe Diem boy, Carpe Diem. The difference I can make is in the person I can help there and then, not the ones I can "potentially" help another day. They might or might not ome to pass. The one I see in front of me, that is real, someone whom I can reach out and touch.

Gavin pondered @ 22:32

Under the layers of dust