Saturday, October 27, 2007
Die, die, die!

GARRHHH! dkfnberosnoanwginawpeomormbonrbrtibnikmknikbknwroignejnfaiwnppkem tzgnEIGOITE......
---How how I abhor this melting pot of human emotions. It's so undeniably predictable and cliche, the responses they elicit, especially when the irrepressible urge to express something gets stifled before it comes to fruition. The sights and sounds you take in stimulate the senses, encouraging thoughts and reflections. Observations of the world as it flits past the cognitive senses make no coherent point.
I was taken aback and quite by surprise.
Losing one's composure, and contemplating the futility of an existence hardly contributes to the joys of one. Then again, it is all too easy to fall into the trap.
Human after all, and fallible as a human is.
Tell me why, why do I feel this sense of quiet desperation about my being? Where do I go from here? What is my purpose now?
Then again, I am starkly reminded that it's not even over yet.
pondered @ 23:13