Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Between here and there

It's me against the world, sometimes this sentiment fills the head and coerces the mind to seek actualization. Especially when there's too much emotional attachment. The line between professionalism and personal space, where and how do you determine it?

The answer lies in the determination of one's calling, or is the truth in the definition. This difference between personal and professional realms, does there exist such a distinction. Professionalism speaks of what one should do, and personal emotions commands you to obey that which you want to do.

The third, what you can do. "Can", that which is within your ability.

A conflict among three forces, "what you should", "what you want", and what you can". In the end, it translates to "what need to do".

Man starts out knowing what he wants, he is subservient to his emotions and instincts. As he grows, society teaches him what he should do. Morals, values, and principles. Gradually, he conceptualizes what he can do through amalgamation of the two.

The question is, what do we need to do? In this life, who can reveal to us what we need to do?

Gavin pondered @ 00:43

Under the layers of dust