Saturday, June 02, 2007
Cosuming me slowly, eating away at the last vestiges of sanity, is a wasting disease. Stepping into the office of responsibility slowly kills me, the innoncence, hopes and dreams.
The gradual petrification of the curse of stone erases the warmth of the human heart. It is the conflict between duty and the right, and both in all their worth. How is one to discern which of the two is to be afforded a higher degree of prejudice?
As I walk down the street, on days, the voices implore my sympathy for the less fortunate, the old lady selling her packets of tissue, the blind keyboardists playing his special tune. I feel sad and sorry that I have not done more to help them, but yet, the path to that end is fraught with choices and actions that goes against the conscience.
And it makes me really depressed and melancholic whenever I have to go about dispensing this duty.
Smiling, and presuming the world would proceed without much adue, but inside, its crumbling, bit by bit. How can one maintain one's sanity when no one understands or treasures the values of morals and principles?
You have to ask your heart, and your conscience, "Can you live with yourself?"
pondered @ 22:15