Friday, April 20, 2007
Kill the bear!
Death threat for German bear Knut
Security was tightened at Berlin Zoo after its celebrity polar bear cub Knut received an anonymous death threat.Reports said the zoo had received a hand-written fax containing the threat: "Knut is dead! Thursday midday."
But Berlin police dismissed the note as a hoax and the deadline passed safely for the four-month-old baby bear.
Knut became a media star after... Read more here.---This is highly amusing news. At first people advocated the death of this hapless bear, now there is even the possibility of an assasination plot. What is so contraversial about the zoo's benevolence that has resulted in people hankering for its death?
The sight of a wounded kitten or a hurt puppy is enough to implore the compassion in many people to extend some mercy to it. It's a nice and most natural reaction that is not in anyway out of the ordinary. So, why do environmentalist issue convoluted statements explaining why the poor cub should be put to sleep?
It was reported that Frank Albrecht, saying that since the mother had abandoned the ebar, it was unsuited for survival, had claimed it a better fate for the bear to die than suffer indignation at the zoo. Perhaps it's a case of the press mis-qouting, as is unavoidable occasionally. Is it not perplexing for an animal rights activist to promote the death of an animal. Isn't saving the life of animals what they set out to achieve to begin with?
However, I see nothing wrong with saving a life. If we were to find a baby abandoned by the road, we would have to put it down too? Certainly, applying the same logic, premature births are not predisposed to survival and are not to be allowed to survive? It might be true, sometimes, we need to sacrifice one for a thousand, but we must do it sensibly. In the process, we cannot lose our humanity. That's what we set out to achieve in the first place, a more civil world. Punishment must be dispensed when appropriate, and the perpertrators apprehended.
To see it necessary to met out punishment on innoncent parties is irrational and unreasonable. It is alarming that people support the notion of putting down the poor creature.
In short, I'm just saying that as human beings we must show compassion and kindness in abundance, and not let silly thoughts allow such heartless and steely words to emerge. Everyone and every reature deserves the right to live. Let us as human not allow ourselves to assume that life is ours to take on a wish or whim.
Cheers to Knut.
And some pictures of the cuddly little thing! *wibble*
Mugshots of adorable Knut. (Pictures thanks to BBC)

I can just hear the "awws..."
Location: Hall 16
Song: RHCP - On Mercury
pondered @ 16:28