Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Swim, Stand like a rock.

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." – Thomas Jefferson

There is a certain gratification to sticking with one's beliefs. With a conviction in princples, there exist a vision which to strive for. The style of execution is the variable that can be altered to achieve the vision. Principles serve as flagstones marking out the path in life. To believe in them is to set and follow a course through choppy waters.

Just like in life, people navigate rough seas. It is hard to steer a course, much less keep a bearing. The temptation is to sail with accordance with desires, or to let the wind take control. But in the tempermental ocean, let your principles be the compass.

A valuable lesson learnt whilst under Chye Ping. "Set the mission statement, then follow it through to fruitation in a common understanding of the shared vision."

Without direction, the difficult task of navigating stormy waves, is simply impossible. what Jefferson says, "In matters of style, swim with the current", means to drift with the current when it overpowers. Strength is wasted trying to fight it, strength that is needed to swin further distances. To swim with the current with regards to the style of execution, keeping in mind to steer in the destination that was originally in mind.

Principles are not the destination, but priciples helpd determine the destination. Principles affect the actions of people, each and every decision, influenced by the principles that people believe in. Principles need to be strong, not necessarily unmoving, but strong enough to withstand the current for more than a moment.

The basic principles of people's lives determine what is and what they are. Principles exist for a reason, that they are a distillation of human aspirations that have survived the ravages of time. Hold on to them, for they might not seem beneficial at present, but in future, they could prove to be a better decision.

You'll never know, that is reason to discorage fickle changing of priciples. What has failed is a result of factors both within and without control. Committment. To try again when it fails, to continue believing in it despite everyone. Wrong once, not wrong forever. Mistakes are made to learn from.

Eventually, time may erode the stone, but time changes everything. We need to believe regardless. Princples. Basic principles.


Mood: Slightly more intellectual than of late
Song: YUI -Tokyo
Location: Hall

Gavin pondered @ 23:21

Under the layers of dust