Friday, December 29, 2006
Which pill? Bitter truth or sweet lies?
A good disposition hardly feasible with the current state of affairs. Poignantly hurtful, and the question is, who brought it upon whom?
There's no answering a question that is impossible to compare in equity. The comprehension of its meaning requires a basic consensus on the grounds which to draw comparison. That is sorely lacking under present circumstances, and the situation does not seem inclined to change in the near future.
Understanding is paramount, and communication is vital. Surely, there must exist channels that can establish such a crucial connection. One may speak Greek to a Chinese, and still, it is no paradox to say that it is possible for mutual understanding.
That being said, won't it be imperative for one to examine the state of affairs in order to gain an insight into the reality and gravity of it all?
And why? Because I don't want you to end up a fool. Who can be there for eternity? No one. If I can't trust you enough to let you make decisions, trust you to take care of yourself, how can I trust you with anything?
pondered @ 00:28