Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Saturday, December 09, 2006
I often forget

Between what works and what feels right, which would you choose? A complex quandary, for if one does not feel good, one can't do well, conversely, if one doesn't do well, one can hardly feel good.

What if what works feels good, but not right?


It is, after all, a question of what one wants.

There are also bruises and wounds that afflict one. Perhaps a little time for healing is in order to set things straight. Let everything work out on its own and then see if there is a difference.

Impatience compounded with a compulsion to achieve is a stumbling block to becoming a better person. If everyone around is a foe, then when will one feel at ease. We need to let other people shine some time, maybe our strength lies in allowing other people to shine. That's what leaders do, don't they?

So, if trying in one pursuit to achieve it all, individual, how can one hope to serve as a good leader? Just like courtship, if one were to pull all the stops to get the lady to notice only oneself, then one would have neglected everyone else around. If one were a leader, one would be guilty of letting down his colleagues.

Comrades, I hope I have not let you down. I often forget that my duty is to be a responsible person FIRST and anything else SECOND.


Mood: Waiting to meet Chye Ping and Shermy.
Location: Hall 16
Listening to: Taiyou no Uta - Kaoru Amane

Gavin pondered @ 18:36

Under the layers of dust