Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Monday, December 04, 2006
Exams concluded

The exams are over, and it's time for much needed, if not well-deserved time. One hopes it would be time that could be ell-soent.

First order of business is to catch up with reading. I have neglected all my dear books . Of course,by books, I, by no means refer to any textbooks. Pride and Prejudice, Sense ans Sensibility, The Great Gatsby, The Oscar Wild Compendium and Oliver Twist.

Of course, friends to catch up with and movies to catch.

And it is about time I caught up with the events of the world. As oblivious as a rock hurtling down the cliff. At times, I find it hard to convince myself otherwise.


Location: Hall 16
Listening to:

Gavin pondered @ 18:16

Under the layers of dust