Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A hint of thought
It's always good to catch up with your friends, especially when you miss the place. Caught up with the guys last monday, and it's great to see them once again. There's new additions to the family, there have been changes, but it's good to know that the intrinsic worth and form remains.
To say I don't miss the workplace or the people is fallacious, and there's no hiding of sentiments. However, getting overly sentimental is neither constructive nor required. The ties that are built transcend mere professionalism. It can and will remain strong as long as we remember each other, and appreciate the importance behind it.
I would like to claim that I have learnt much, yet, I know that less than half of any experience is ever "learnt". That which is not practiced, shall remain words that are preached. If I don't continue using, then it shall ebb away in the recesses of memory.
As much as I wish to continue learning and trying, there must come a time where we must face the surf. I little update to my friends out there. I'm sure you must be wonedring where the world did I vanish to.
Now the Hall 16 Cultural Director, and also a school archer. There's hardly a day without any new surprises. They come in all shapes and sizes, especially when you least expect them.
The currency in this locale is time, time, effort and a willingness to learn. The concpetion of an individual, of self slowly errodes, wearing down to a need to encompass the surroundings. The musings of a deviant grows soft, and often, is muted.
That's just me, wishing to pour out to reach out to more than just myself. However, there is a difference now. Comfort. In the apst, I have alowed myself the luxury of working within the bounds of my comfort, what and when, will have to obey my whimses. That's nary the case now.
Nonentheless, I don't want myself to be engulfed in this surge of responsibility and get overwhelmed. I am fortunate to have friends and acquaintances to help preserve my sanity, but somehow, I'm still not spending enough time with the right people. The people I want to be with, is just too many for the 24 hours that I have.
Maybe I'm still a misfit in the wrong world. I just need people that can lsiten to my thoughts and not feel intimidated by them. A devil won't necessarily destroy the world, mind you. He might just have alot to talk about.
It does not do well for me to stand here griping about fate. I'm real, you're real, we're all real.
Afterall, I'm still green and inexperienced. Scared to say the leas, yet supremely cocky. No, no... Not so cocky and confident anymore. The tides of change are washing off the pride.
Confidence. The lack of it, because I'm not good enough to help myself with my studies. That's my only worry. Slowly.
Location: Home
Listening to: L'Arc¬en¬Ciel - Ready Steady Go
pondered @ 23:38
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Archery BBQ

pondered @ 01:29
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tagged! Here goes nothing.
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today?
We're going to be friends - Jack Johnson
Polling day for hall 16's JCRC, I'm going to head down to the Q&A session with the residents, hopefully I'll make many new friends.
Will you get far in life?
The World's Greatest - R Kelly
I certainly hope so! But that's not the only thing in life. You can be the greatest, but if inyour heart, you can't live with yourself then everything is meaningless. It would be wonderful if we ALL could be the world's greatest. The greatest in the way we live, the greatest in our magnanimity and the greatest in the legacy of good we leave behind.
What do your friends see you?
Political Science - Randy Newman
*snigger* Politically correctness people.
What is your best friend's theme song?
Wild Wild West - Will Smith
Yeah, I've got the funkiest, wildest friends you can find!
What is the story of your life?
Winter Wonderland
It s a little early to celebrate Christmas. Winterwonderland, a white glistening field with friends laughing all day. How perfectly picturesque.
What was high school like?
Flight of the Bumble bee
I think it was more like the slow waltz of the snail. Now, in University, THAT's flight of a mach 3 bumble bee
How can you get ahead in life?
Ballet suite from the Nutcracker
By dancing, and traipsing along to the refrains of a classical piece. Perfectly adpt and splendidly brilliant.
What is the best thing about your friends?
Quando Quando Quando
What does that phrase mean? Okay. It means "when". When, when, when. When have they let me down? Love them =D
What is in store for this weekend?
run, wolf warrior, run
Yes, I need to catch up on some exercise this weekend.
What song describes you?
I will survive
Yes! Despite the barriers and obstacles. I. WILL!
To describe your grandparents?
Beautiful World - Coldplay
Hopefully, they live in a beautiful world.
How is your life going?
the Beautiful World - Ai Maeda
Life is beautiful, the most miraculous thing, so seek out the wonders and marvels within and without. What work of art are we going to create next?
What song will they play at your funeral?
Heaven's Not Enough - Steve Conte
Heaven will not suffice, because where I go or what happens to me is inconsequential. The importance lies what I have been able to contribute, and the state of the world that I live behind. It must be good, for one, but always with room for improvement. Heaven, it's not enough.
How does the world see you?
Coffee + TV - Blur
I don't drink coffee and I hardly watch TV. I shall be the person who hardly drinks coffee and watches TV to the world. Coffee is nice, and tv is fun, just not too much.
Will you have a happy life?
Last Scene - SMAP
I wouldn't know, not until the last scene and the curtain call. Happiness shall be sought, and joy must be found. Of course, I will try to make it a light adventure filled with laughter and fun. (Maybe a few monsters, princesses and an acquaintence with DEATH)
What do your friends really think of you?
I think we're alone now - Tiffany
Alone, and independent. Not really a part of the group and not really belonging. Aloof and detached.
Do people secretly lust after you?
Over the Rainbow
Like Leprechaun's gold, am I? At the end of the rainbow, but not really there. Try harder, all my secret admirers, I'm not easy to find.
How can I make myself happy?
In the Rain
Singing, and dacing in the rain. It's a joy to feel the cool raindrops on your face, and see them against the window pane. The world takes on a different facade, and everything seems so calm at once.
What should you do with your life?
Piel Canela - Lisa Ono
Cinnamon Skin. It's a beautiful bossa nova song. I should go out and start playing love songs whilst painting pictures of cinnamon flavoured love.
Will you ever have children?
Sally and Jack Montage - Nightmare Before Christmas
I shall have 2 children, called Sally and Jack born right before Christmas, who hopefully are NOTHING like nightmares at all.
---Mood: Having a messy table
Location: Hall 16
Listening to: Girl from Ipanema
pondered @ 13:42
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Responsibility against emotion
5 years since 9/11. People say this event changed the shape of the world. It certainly did create a new industry. That of strategic defence against an enemy we can't see. It re-introduced religious struggle. You see, the enemy is not a definite face. It is not Osama or Zawahiri, but is ourselves.
It's a realization of the vastness of this world and the diversity of cultures, thoughts and people that we need to recognize. A refusal to admit and reoncile these differences is a barrier to a better world. It is natural for people to want to protect their little universe, and have a little piece of reality to hold on to.
In a mere span of a century, man has beome much better connected. Cultures and ideas that would not have interacted are coming together with explosive outcomes. Head-on collision between ideologies that in the past came together on an occasional basis.
They knew each other exists, but they did not have to contend with having the other breathe down their necks. The clash of civilizations, the recurring theme in history, is set to reach a scale unfathomable in the past.
Centruies ago, the king told you to fight the infidels and you would as an army face them. Today, words, and media tell you to fight them, and you comply. Actions carried out against civilians by civilians. Hatred and fear. Misunderstanding from a sudden cultural shock. All of a sudden, you wake up with an enemy as your neighbour and you find it a tantalizing concept.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the number of people coming into contact with each other is growing. Without a doubt, the human race is becoming more and more empowered with each day. Freedom, rights and the resources to do any and everything without regard for the consequences, and only limited by the extent of one's pockets.
More importantly, it is a complete and utter disregard for the concept of responsibility. We have to be responsible creatures and not let our emotions get the better of us. For ourselves, for our future and for this world.
---Location: At Hall
Listening to: BBC Radio
pondered @ 01:05
Monday, September 04, 2006
Fleeting thoughts
How can idealism survive the rigorous attacks of this age? Time will tell. This night is old, and I shall proceed to slumber, hoping the world is more peaceful and beautiful tomorrow.
---Mood: Melancholic
Location: Hall 16
Listening to: LFO - Girl on TV
pondered @ 00:53