Sunday, August 27, 2006
Freedom is a responsibilty not a priviledge. To choose is a heavy responsibility and please, if you are not ready to bear such a burden, do not demand it. Least you find yourself abusing it.
Individual freedom and individual responsibility. 2 dependent and important concepts. Freedom requires responsible and sensible minds.
Otherwise, the concept of freedom has not much meaning. Without responsibility, there would not be the freedom to choose to be, against primal urges. Freedom encompasses much more than yielding to your instincts.
It's about knowing the sway that your subconcious holds, and inspite of that, stay your course. That is freedom. It is the ability to choose to swim with the flow OR against it.
Who ever said that freedom was about rebelling aginast everthing. That's not exactly freedom. In fact, I call it desperation.
Desperate men swim against the flow of time and tide, to prove a futile point. In hope that this apparent stregth can be equated to freedom. It's about choosing, not about struggling. The choice to execute and subsequently, positive action to enforce the decision.
Choices, responsibility and free will. Freedom.
---Mood: Anything
Listening to: The Producers - Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop
pondered @ 19:33