Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Phuket Day 2+3
Thankfully, day 2 had fine weather, no sight of rain, though the grey skies still loomed over the horizon.

Look left, and look right, not many souls in sight.

Quite a windy day in fact.

Thus, I settled back for a spot of reading, hoping for clear skies. Machiavelli on the beach. Heh.
Fortunately, the skies did become brighter, and the sun started to seep through the grey cover. No blue skies yet, but hey, sun's out.

For strange reasons, everyone there kept inquring if we were Japanese. It was quite hilarious! Some of them even tried to converse in Japanese with me. I played along a little, but told them I was from Singapore. =p Boku wa nihhon-jin? lol

Hair extension. Nice!
Made 2 new friends on the 2nd day, local Kala and Azziz from Dubai. Kala works at the beach, and Azziz, is a teacher from Dubai on a holiday. azziz comes down to Phuket twice a year, how cool is that? He invited us on a fishing trip, but we declined, having planned to head down to Phuket town the next day.
Played a little game of luck with Kala and won the coin toss, heh. And we were challenged to try some of the insect salad. Spicy fried wasps and ants in thai herbs, and deep fried frogs and locusts. Tried all save for the locusts, which were, 8ahem* a tad unsightly.
Our new friends.

Kala in th middle

Azziz on the right
That night, we bumped into some transvestites.

How many girls are there in total? 1 I think =p
Ended up on the beach again, instead of in Phuket town. The weather this day was much better, and the skyturned blue!

The sun was so intense that even this dog elected to hide away under the beach chairs.

Much more lively beach this day.

Coconut and Machiavelli, enjoyment!
Then for dinner, we had a absolute feast! Lobster, Giant Phuket prawn, Crayfish, Tiger prawns, Mussels, Squid and Fish with Thai fried rice.

Thai Massage after dinner was absolutely heavenly! 3 hours of pure relaxation and slight suffering. (Hot towels on sun buurn's not a pleseant sensation) The place was quite nice, it's called "Relax" Spa and apparently has several branches all over Thailand.

We met some of meixian's friends over there and bunked over at their resort playing cards till it was time for us to catch our flight at 5am the next morning. Here, the 4 photo whores try to get ourselves organized into a timeed shot. Fail!

After the umpteenth shot, we had some measure of success... haha.
And it was off to the airport.
pondered @ 11:09