Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Spend a lifetime wathcing the world change.

Thnking about it, I have been through any thing that can remotely qualify as a calamity.

We're lucky to live in times of peace, fortunate to live in a country where basic needs are met.

What did we do to deserve this luxury. Was it random luck resulting in our consciousness being brought into existence in this particular location? Perhaps, but, are we deserving?

Nonetheless, we already have 'it'. What we do with 'it' is the point of contention.

I feel it is preferable to lead an exisence with a purpose. A gargantuan task, honestly.

Me? I just want to have fun, afterall, spending a lifetime watching the world change is quite an intriguing way to live. We hardly understand what we desire. The most strong willed people amongst us, I'm sure experiences this little paradox. One can be convinced that one would like to strive for certain vales one holds true to oneself, and the moment one atains what one had set out to achieve, end up feeling empty.

I can tell everyone I want to save the trees, but only when embarking on that path, will I find out if it was one that I had wished for. The lines between what the mind, heart and soul wants is a perpetual mess. Therefore, it is paramount to have an understanding between the 3 in order to live a life that makes sense.

Or, we could just spend a lifetime watching the world change.

Mood: Zen
Listening to: run, wolf warriror, run

Gavin pondered @ 21:27

Under the layers of dust