Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Maybe I'm religous

I suspect I might be religious!

I sit in a corner waiting for the heavens to pour all my wishes right unto my outstretched arms.


As if! =p

Hello? Goodbye.

The line is dead, why,
the line isn't connected at all.
Calling the big guy in the sky
He's looking out for your call.


Fictional, mystical, mumboo-jumboo, illusionary.
Existence, or none, persist continuity
Perhaps just part truth, more imaginary
Maybe just a little serendipity

Mere coincidence

It doesn't matter if there's a god. Man's conscience has been dead for centuries.

It's time for redemption, with or without a god. Do it for yourself, do it for the human race. Don't do it justt because someone told you to.

Gavin pondered @ 22:19

Under the layers of dust