Thursday, February 09, 2006
I am deliberating.
Most dominantly on my style of leadership. I've been called a Russian tank before, and I've been abandoned beacause I simply refused to stop.
"I will take all your hurt and more, if only you would follow me." That is a prommise I offer.
But interesting enough, I might be taking even more than the fair share of the pie. I take all the pain, yes, but it seems that I take all the glory too. Even if that is not true, my guys, my friends, they would not feel as though any outcome was a product of their efforts. That's not good.
If someone is so capable then, he can jolly well survive alone.
I am sure that is one of the foremost resentment that surfaces. Then disaster is just waiting to happen. The moment I fail, then the whole unity of the group collapses, implodes on me like a hundred megaton nuclear bomb.
A good leader needs to involve everyone, and he needs to shut up, and distribute the job.
The hallmark of a good leader is making the people believe they can do it.
The whole load about being infallable and above all. That is bullshit. Who is going to adhere to those insane standards?
Not everyone.
pondered @ 21:51