Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Saturday, November 12, 2005
Shadow of the Colossus

One of the best games I've played in years. I'm so hooked on it I've played almost 8 hours in 2 days.

It's a really beautiful game, both concept wise and aesthetically. The wonder of fighting gargantuan enemies, and the prospects of having to think how you will tackle said foe is a combination that simply cannot be resisted.

The game is simple, and in that simplicity, it a game with such a wondefully magnificent experience. Visual, mental and aural feast this is. It almost transcends into the realm of art.

2 thumbs up.

Edite 12Nov

I completed the game. Pretty good ending, an I think I'll be replaying it for some time.

Gavin pondered @ 00:30

Under the layers of dust