Monday, November 07, 2005
So, a few weeks back, there was some renovation works being carried out at my place.

"We pleased to inform you"!?!!! So you're happy that I had to put up with noise? And what's with "we apologies"? Last of all, what in the world is a "quires"?
The last thing I want besides noise is bad english. Plus, they are supposed to be from a reputable company, ICI. WTF?
---Anyway, I wanted to ask anyone if they know what's wrong with the following shots.

Heh. ;p
So I was back at Nanyang JC this evening, and look what I foudn on my car?

Apparently, it found the top of my car the perfect resting place. It's so adorable, and patient while I took the shots. I want to get me a cat! It looks like that brown cat TImothy and I used to feed after school. I think it's the same cat, seeing how I didn't ave any adverse reactions towards my presence. It even looked like it was anticipating my approach. Heh.
pondered @ 22:05