Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Monday, November 14, 2005
Of epiphanies and Christmas Wish-lists

I had an epiphany today.

It said, "It's not how quick you run the first mile, it's how fast you finish the last mile."

One more quote to add to the books, as I spend half my time obssesing over:

1. New PStwo (NTSC U/C set please)
2. PSP
3. High-end Tablet
4. Really good Sketchbooks
5. Sleek, nice looking Notebooks
6. Really good pencils
7. High quality Art supplies, paints, brushes, palettes
8. Canvas and A-frame
9. More Books
10. Merc SLK
11. My own Compund Bow and set of Arrows and Quiver and hanguard...
12. Rifle Club membership
13. My own vintage bolt action rifle/self-loading rifle (Winchester, Remington or M1 Garand) with scope
14. A good handgun
15. Authentic Daisho (Katana/Dachi and Wakizashi/Kodachi)
16. iPod
17. Aircraft/Flying License
18. Palmtop/PDA
19. My old cocky, bastard of a character
20. More Charisma
21. More Humility
22. Less desires
23. Life in my own house, without relatives or parents
24. To make this world a better place

There, my chrsitmas wish list. Don't say I never tell you what I want. =)

Gavin pondered @ 21:32

Under the layers of dust