Saturday, September 10, 2005
So what is real?
There are many layers present in the mind, layer upon layer of conciousness. Different levels of semtience, and each not neccessarily corresponding with adjacent levels.
Some layers prominently stake their claim to you being, others appear to be redundant. Even more alarming are the layers that we do not even know exists, layers that stay hidden yet are the ones that control the most primal of our responses.
But without doubt, these layers form one cohesive unit, the human soul. So how do we ever know what is the real "self"?
This is a rather frustrating question which has at certain points in one's life, one had invariably found oneself worrying about. A question that inextricably finds itself linked with the other question - What is the meaning of life. Simply put, if one is unable to understand who one is, then how could one ever unravel the meaning of one's existence.
It's like asking you to explain the ingredients involved in the making of a cake before you ahve even seen or tasted a cake. Similiarly, people must first understand the being that they refer to as their "self". It is thi process that is perhaps one of the hardest to comprehend in human society.
People often remark that the most dangerous animal is man. That is a highly accurate observation, and the most dangerous specimen is oneself. Why? Because one's existence is undeniably linked to one's preception of the world around one. THus, any form of hatred, pain, and suffering are basically representations of emotions. Of feeling and chemical signals generated within the various layers of the body.
So, I ask, how does one go about comprehending the soul?
pondered @ 20:34