Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Is it pronounced So-Crates or So-cra-tees?
More interestingly, did this man ever exist or is he as much part of fiction as little red riding hood.
But I love this guy. There is a Socrates in everyone of us and this is the part of us that is forever trying to ask questions. Stronger in some and weaker in others, the eternal search for truth seems to be a intrinsic part of the human psyche.
That results in a quandary: To find contentment eventually or to persistantly quest for answers to the very last moment.
Questioning is a the very basis of the human life. Through questions lies the path to answers, but answer that only lead to even more questions. Alternatively, you can choose to satisfy yourself with what you already know. Then, what are you going to look forward to?
pondered @ 21:18