Saturday, August 13, 2005
Study Overseas
Lately, I've been having thoughts of leaving this small island, I'm thinking of going overseas to study. To the UK, France, Canada, or maybe the US?
I really don't know if me entering the engineering faculty of NTU will be an eventuality. This small country is just starting to choke the breath out of me.
People often make it out to seem like such an incomprehensible sin to entertain thoughts of leaving Singapore. There's is this unspoken stigma about the mere mention of such an inkling, that only the most ungrateful of ingrates who hate the country so would atempt such a feat.
A whole load of bullshit.
If you know what is good for the country, then alll the more one should be encourage to spend a few years abroad. The problem is that the government tries to hard to prevent people from not ever returning to Singapore is what works against the eventual reliefed return to the homeland. People stay away because this places just drains the life out of you.
I'm beginning to feel like I don't a single thing, and my horizons are so narrow that the world escapes me. So often, I get the feeling that I am moving around in great giant cirlces, and in the end, I end up where I started. I don't fit in.So often, I feel that I just stick out like a sore-thumb, and in a society where the citizens seldom appreciate differences, it is a stiffling pressure that haunts me.
Maybe a few years somewhere else would be good. Maybe it will open my mind, or at the worse, it will teach me that there's no place like Singapore. It's too early to say, one thing is for sure. I will never reach my full potential by restricting myself to this small tiny island. Would I be content with competing with 2 million other Singaporeans or 4 billion people in the world?
Definitely 4 billion.
So know, I need to start reaseaching into the various Universities and Colleges out there. Then some research on scholarships need to be done. Anyone to offer some help?
pondered @ 17:21