Wednesday, August 10, 2005
A few days back, I received news from Houf. He asked "do you still ahve to sketched for Rubicon".
Yes folks, the Rubicon project is on the very verge of revival.
Back when we were younger, Houf and I used to have ideas that we would revolutionize the gaming concept. We predicted that the gaming market would become so lucrative that it would be folly not to be part of it. Those were the days, where so many ideas flowed freely. Psyka, Rubicon, Blue Skies, these are few of the many ideas that were spawned.
Of course the lack of tecnical knowledge and hardware, and other new-found distractions, these ideas were eventually shelved. But now, almost 3 years later, we once again turn to Rubicon.
I tried searching for the sketch book, but I reckon it must have be thrown away with the many old books. A pity definitely, but also a good portend of a new beginning. The characters of Rubicon were quite well thought out, and till now, are still deeply etched in my mind. It would be interesting to say the least when the new sketches come out. Better artwork perhaps?
Like the old sketch book, Fourblades is all but prominent. We used to call our company Fourbaldes, and even had a domain running. I would be the first to admit that Fourbaldes is surely gone and 'dead'. Now it shall go by the name "Ripple Works". It takes it's name from the "Ripple Project" in Rubicon.
It might signify many things, but that's perhaps not of significance at this point of time. What's important is that something is brewing, and it's a good hint that I should dig out my CAD programs and start something.
Rubicon is a very interesting story to work with, given the insight that 2 15 year old kids had. Many events that where portrayed in Rubicon seems like a haunting prophecy of the future events, namely the rampant spread of random acts of senseless violence.
More intriguing is the concept of the "Ripple Project". I shall refrain from giving out any secrets at this point of time, but I am rather surprised that no one has yet proposed such a system for applicatio in the rael world.
So far, I've done 2 sketches of the protagonist, Stef, and the first thing that I notice is that she remotely looks like a female this time around.
Heh. I'm out of here.
pondered @ 23:07