Friday, August 05, 2005
Finding art
When someone is talented and relies only on that talent, he is never going to improve. If he neve hons his technique, neither bothering to broaden his horizons nor experiences, then that is a waste of his gifts.
And that someone refers to me.
For years and years, all I've done is draw without improvement. And one days, the frustrations and inabilities expressed themselves in a piece of work.

Despair and desperation in the art. Such inability to express, and only the ability to show what "should be". Impressionism, they call it. Art which represents the exact replica of the real world. But then, the world is not real. How can one draw what is not real to begin with. Not just that. Technique is lacking in the first place. Quandry. Confusion.
Thus, it was decided to begin a to learn the ropes from the very start. Begin from the bottom rung.
Thus, this piece was attempted in that process.

An experimentation with space an perspective, and somewhat "abstract"
But of course, the previous 2 are simply precursors to the star attraction. I hereby present to you, ladies and gentlemen, the "Black Chain Girl"

This is a potrait of a fine young lady by the name of Fumiko Mizuta. It's still an impressionist piece of art, by I like it for it's sublime charm. This picture is silently screaming "brilliant", yet posses a malencholic undertone. As though she is crying inside.
pondered @ 23:30