Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Am I strong enough?

Fear is immortal and hits you in the most unexpected of times. In the middle of the night, it hits like a large arrow, and pierces through the layers of mental steel. In a moment, the mind is torn asunder and the strong reduced to a crying mess.

It engulfs the soul, and throws one into a bottomless pit. One's being left alone and sinking into the dark, deep depths of the murky.

In the middle of the nights, one's ears twitch, as though a cacophony had struck, but in truth there was not a sound. Then the heart beats, faster, louder. And the surroundings lose their familiarity. They become sinister, danger personified.

Then your mind stops being ration. Overdrive.

That's fear.

But there are things worse than that.

Like when you can never convince your subconcious to stop thinking. Not to brood over that little thought you tell yourself. It's nothing, you offer. Then, the mind just cannot let it go. It haunts you, like the most malicious ghost, and the most blood-thirsty vampire. Only you have no defences against your thoughts.

Stakes slay the vampire, crucifixes exorcise the ghost, but you have no weapons against the sub-concious, except yourself.

Then you ask: am I strong enough?

Gavin pondered @ 21:55

Under the layers of dust