Friday, June 03, 2005
Wolf Rain Spoilers ahead.
---Finished watching Wolf's rain over the past 3 days, and in the process, feeling quite annoyed with the insertion of 4 flashback episodes.
Wolf's rain started off quite well, but, the story simply dragged on after the halfway mark.
Initially, the multi-perspective approach to the strory worked rather brilliantly, and kept me interested in knowing more about the different main characters. THere's the pack of 4 wolves, Kiba, Tsume, Hibe and Toboe. There's Cher, the scientist, and the police inspector Hubb. Not to mention there's also the wolf-hunter Quent and the Half-bred Blue.
However, when a story drags on, not much can be done to save it.
In the end, the only motivation to continue watching was to find out the conlcusion to the story. Which, involves everyone dying, leaving just Kiba, who was supposed reach "paradise"
After they all died, the story is suddenly brought to modern day Tokyo. Perhaps they writers planned it to be an allegory of modern life, but instead of going medieval or fantasy, it went sci-fi, which I quite liked. Or are they trying to imply that the world we live in now is "paradise".
But, the stroy suffered from a whole lot of loopholes, and left many questions. The most frustrating being the writer's decision to kill of character unnecessarily. It did not progress the story. In fact, it was plain disgusting.
I felt sad when Cher died, and I felt sorry for Quent and Toboe. When Hubb died, I was quite upset. All the other main characcters who died thereafter was expected.
I was quite unhappy that the noble's played such a small role in the whole story. In the end, it was all down to a desire to "reach paradise" and "for unrequitted love". Of course, I am referring to Darcia and Jagara. It's especially perplexing when you consider Darcia's motives. He yaerned for paradise to cure his love Harmon from a disease, and later, he killed Harmona. What then was his motivation?
Anyway, the character art is quite excellent. They are generally well drawn, and Cheza, she bears a startling resembelance to someone I know. (I'm not saying who it is =p, it's pretty obvious, so go grab some pictures of Cheza and see for yourselves)
In general, I grade this series 60/100. The start was outstanding, especially character development, however afterwards, it began sauntering gradually into the realms of mediocrity.
A plus however, is the music. For me at least, it's pretty good. Especially 'Gravity'.
Good day people.
pondered @ 20:29