Sunday, June 19, 2005

Oh well, I gave in to temptation and bought BOTH CDs.
Anyways, the Gaiman tickets have arrived too. They're in the picture, but it's barely discernable.
The dudes caught Batman Begins today after a rather disappointing basketball session; and I must say it's quite a nice show. Much better than the 2 more recent attempts (Batman Forever and Batman & Robin). It's vaguely reminiscent of the Dark Knight Burton directed all those years back. It was rather good, but it lacked that flair Burton infused into the Batman movie previously.
Also, this batman lacked a certain charisma, and the cool and calm of the batman portrayed by Michael Keaton's. Otherwise, it's almost there. It is nice to see the "dailures" of batman.
---The US Grand Prix is showing at 3 am. Gosh.
pondered @ 20:58