Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I am far from perfect, thus I find it imperative to clarify some matters that might have been bothering you.

I'd like to say that I do not know much, thus whatever words that I might offer are not to be taken without question. I try my best to share whatever little I have, but to tell the truth, I very much rather hear what you have to say. Unlike most people, I only use conversation as a shield, to be used when I feel ill at ease. I like quiet. Quiet is good.

I must also reveal that I lack social skills that, and I am hardly a fan of crowds. What I am trying to communicate is the fact that I do not enjoy large functions that specifically require my participation. Please refrain yourself from trying to invite me to such occasions, there can always be excuses to explain my absence, I am sure. It's not that I find it a chore, but I just have to politely decline something that does not appeal to me.

There is of course also you who find it necessary to monitor my every movement. I am an ADULT, you understand? Such actions will only inccur needless frustrations and irritation. What would it accomplish to know my every movement? It is you, who I think needs to grow up instead.

Of course there is also you who shelters, but shelters in excess. You always put me in a fix. How am I supposed to reject your gifts? Yet, how can I accept everything? Please know your limits, because I cannot be nice forever.

Then, there's you who thinks I can do everything. Maybe you are right, but just because I complete whatever you ask withouta grumble does not give you reason enough to push your luck. Everything has it's breaking point, but I would not like to find out what is mine.

And you who I have seemed to have neglected, do not fret. Just because I do not call your name does not mean I do not care. As long as I know you are getting on fine, that keeps me satisfied. National Service is indeed a chore.

Finally for you who are searching, like how I am searching. I assure you this is the wrong place to search. Just as futile as my pointless search through binary and codes. I cannot help much in your search except to tell you that it probably cannot be found in virtual space. Maybe it is waiting there right in your face. Please do tell me the solution when you find it. It might aid me.


Thank you Sirs and Madams, for your kind attention.

Gavin pondered @ 19:18

Under the layers of dust