Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Monday, April 04, 2005
Priorities are discussed

Sometimes you try so hard to enjoy yourself, but you still can't. Especially when one's definition of fun is radically different from one's company.

No matter how much I love the game, one can't force me to love all who play it. What can I do except withdraw into my own universe? How can I not do that when it is plainly obvious that we live in different worlds. They like company, slapstick, sarcasm. I like contemplation, dedication and meaning.

When I attempt to join them, that gap is only further accentuated. Yet if I don't there will be no opportunity to form and comaraderie. However, how can any binds form when such gatherings only accents that disparity.

I reckon I should just be myself. After all, the labels of "anit-social, quiet, withdrawn" are all mere names people give to that which they cannot comprehend.

They must understand that man is not necessarily a wholly social creature.

And I? I must set my priorities straight. I cannot allow myself to be satisfied, neither can I lower my expectations.

Gavin pondered @ 23:04

Under the layers of dust