Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Sunday, April 10, 2005

A fly was bothering me, so I tried to reason with it. After 5 minutes of excellent arguements, it fly off, convinced that was the best course of action.

What I'm trying to say is that humans talk too much. Can we have less noise please?
Language should not be wasted on the trivial. Trying to talk one's way through a task is more likely to result in the accumulation of a little more of those wrinkles on one's face, than say, the move a paper across the table.
What we need to do is just do what we were meant to do.
Nike says: Just do it.
However, many people think: I need to talk it out to make it justified, then I need to find like-minded people who support my cause, and then we shall discuss more on how to proceed. hten amybe we shall go ahead.
I'm not implying that planning is redundant. I'm implying that unnecessary planning does not achieve anything for one's cause.

Gavin pondered @ 14:05

Under the layers of dust