Sunday, April 17, 2005
Doe a deer, a female deer

Met up with Nicholas before we headed off to watch the sound of music.
It's with a certain trepidation that I step into the esplanade theatre hall. Afterall, it is not often one looks forward to watching a play from one's childhood. Especially one that has left a lasting impression.
And indeed, one would be far from disappointed.
The seats were a far cry from ideal, but that was beyond my control.
The props were brilliant. They gave the impression of being 2D, but my delight, it was a very clever play on perspective.
The music was wonderful with a live symphony playing the soundtrack flawlessly.
Of course, how can we talk about this performance without a mention of its songs. The singing was outstanding. The actors all could really sing beautifully, and their acting was also of a high standard. As Neubs put it, it was well rehearsed.
The only fact I ruefully resent is the presence of a few unpleasant people. to my utter disappointment, a cellphone went of during the play. I always believe that the performance of an art requires both performers and audience to leave their lives out side the doors of the theatre for just one moment and immerse themselves in a world that is shared by the audience and actors. It is a culmination of the efforts of the arts and the moment created in the confines of the theatre spans infinite. It is a sacred place, and the santity of the theatre cannot be defiled in the course of the play. It is an obligation the audience has to the actors. It is a trust between the two parties, that I personally find an unforgivable sin to corrupt this agreement.
Other than that, I had an enjoyable time today.
pondered @ 18:57