Thursday, March 17, 2005
It's Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious, even though the sound of it is somethingquite atrocious! If you say it loud enough, you'll always precocious. Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious!
Don't mind me. Just a little nonsensical outburst never did harm anyone did it?
Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious. A wonderfully romantic expression, and so perfect for the expression of nonsense. Not useless nonsense, rather, the subtle nuances of the human emotions which fail to find any pragmatic interpretations. When one gets all excited for no particular reason, like one wants to break out in song for no logical explanation. Or when one feels a sudden sadness in the midst of a moment of triumph. Such instances are hard pressed for a verbal expression except for the magnificent "supercalifragelisticexpialidocious." It's a proclaimation of the creative influence in the human nature.
Spercalifragelisticexpialidocious is romanticism personified. It's not bound by logic, neither is it scientific. It's irrational.
Irrational is good. Irationality is a hallmark of the sane mind. Without the ability to be irrational, the creative mind would cease to exist. Afterall, creative thought is never logical.Why create something logical? That's the job of nature and the job of the scientists.
Alas romantic ideals are dying out. In this day and age, romance is assumed to mean an extraordinarily sappy love story. Oh well, next please.
You see, I'm not a Don Juan nor adonis. I'm a knight. A knight on a magnificent stead, or a pirate, or maybe a cowboy! No, no, maybe I'll be a samurai. Doesn't matter what it should be, it's what I want to be.
You understand what I'm trying to say my dears?
What do you want to be princess?
Well, it don't matter much really, cause I'm just so feeling supercalifragelisicexpialidocious!
pondered @ 22:41