Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Wanted to hurl a tirade of rants on the unsatisfactory condition I find certain aspects of life to be in, but what's the point?
Complaining never did build the Great Wall.
Then again, maybe it did.
Perhaps the ancient chinese had been making such a big fuss of invaders trying to siphon of China's territory that the ancient kings got around to constucting the walls to keep the people pacified. Hmm...
Actually, impatience could also be attributed to the salvation of my readers from an absolutely pointless exercise in the art of proposing many lengthy arguments with no accomplishment or productive outcomes.
There's a strong desire to play ball, but time does not permit. The thirst for the thrill, The feel of the ball, the speed, the swoosh of the net. Oo... My knees go weak. The weekend would be here soon, and hopefully, there will be an enjoyable ball session. The urge to improve on my skills has never been stronger, and I am eager.
On court, no worries, no regrets, no time for rest. Just bring your game.
I want the intensity, I want the speed, I want the rush. Don't ask me why. I never want to stop, forward, faster, higher!
It's just a phase I'm going through. Or that's what I would like to believe in.
I want to reach to the moon and touch the stars, then speed off to the next universe. I want to dive down to the deepest depths of the widest ocean, soar through the cerulean sky, and make it back in time for dinner.
Simple life? Not.
I have grown weary of conforming. What possessed me to think I have to act like everyone else. What devilish monstrosity have lead me to believe that standing out from the crowd is a crime? It's just this society I swear. The oppressive pressure to be part of the nation's plan.
Can a society full of expectations and stereotypes tolerate my presence? I have been really nice till now... But being nice is tedious. It's monotonous. Ultimately, it eats at your sanity.
Why is it I have come to fear being myself?
Good question. Go ask society.
pondered @ 13:46