Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
`Toyota VIOS = bleah

My legs are too long for the Toyota VIOS. Crap. Have to spend another 100 minutes in that vehicle tomorrow.


Severly overfed today. Need to burn up those extra tons. Damn it. CNY's not far off either.. more food... A grueling test for willpower. Then next will come a little barrage of chocolates.

Worse. I woke up feeling like a zombie. The walking dead staking the unwary toilet. I can't remember anything from before noon. Remedy? Rest. There's a luxury I could do with, but remains a luxury for now.

I need a better schedule. I need amn organizer... No. I need a secretary.

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Gavin pondered @ 23:24

Under the layers of dust