Tuesday, February 08, 2005
I'll trade all my ang-pows for excuse from malaysia
The lunar "new" year is a brilliant idea. Where else can you find an excuse to show concern towards people you only see once a year.
Let's all get lovey-dovey and show that we care for people we don't even bother to think about in the course of a year. What is not to love about such a festival.
Once again, people will coerce unwilling parties into putting on a facade. Don't anyone realize that goes aginst the spirit of free will. It is a violation of basic human right. The right to be yourself.
lunar "new" year is also a time to give out many oscar statuettes. The amount of excellent acting on display is unbelievable. These people should make a career out of acting, i swear.
I would like to reiterate that I DO NOT like social functions. Moreso lunar "new" year, especially when I would have to spend it in a foreign land. malaysia is NOT my homeland. It is a foreign land.
I'll trade anyone ALL my ang pows for a cancellation of my Lunar New Year. Maybe the medical centercan give me an excuse slip: excuse malaysia.
Screw tradition.
pondered @ 09:45