Saturday, January 01, 2005
When we meet again in 20 years, what would you say?
After a year, I already find a lack in ability to communicate with some. Then again, I ask, how would one say to another after twenty years? A "hi" and the mandatory pleasantries, but peel away the surface and would you find emptiness?
It has been stated that time judges all, and none shall have amnesty. Friendship that stand in spite of the passage of time, that is your true friend. I don't care how much time we spend together, but what I really want to know is that 20 years down the road, we can still gather and greet one another with as much enthusiasm as whence all of us first said hi.
Measured words and weighed sentences, it's not what I would condone and neither would I offer it to another. But that's waht I see around me.
pondered @ 23:22