Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Not satisfied

After countless blotched attempts at writing anything remotely intelligent, I've instead come to write about my dissatisfaction.

Having written and subsequently deleted 7 posts, it's is rather obvious that I am not to be easily satisfied, especially when it concerns myself.

That's right, I cannot even satisfy my own expectations. But that does not come as a surprise. Even upon return to OSC, I cannot help by find the relief and gratefulness slowly fade into obscurity. Instead, replacing it are the inadequacies of the present.

It is true, I have grown restless again, and the dreams of greater, better pastures gradually surface as the days slowly passs.

However, I am not longer surprised, and I shall no longer obssess, for Man cannot ever be satisfied. It's a paradox for Man to find the "prefect" world.

Understand that Man will always search for a better alternative, ever searching for that one special palce. When Man reached the moon, he did not find it satisfying, he then wondered how the surface of Mars would be.

This is a unending process, an infinite loop. Man achieves his dream, and the next day, he has another dream. When we find solution to a problem, we will then proceed to ask "how can we make the solution even better?"

That is what I love about the Human race, the insatiable appetite for progress, and the incurable itch of curiousity.

There have been advocates of the belief "Abandon your desires, and proceed to peace."

Well, it may be a nice little ideal for the elderly who has had a life time of trying to achieve all their fantasies, but for anyone less, it is not acceptable to stop trying. The moment you stop trying to improve, then the point of existence is null.

That's my personnel opinion anyway... On that's I'm satisfied with for the moment.

Gavin pondered @ 14:37

Under the layers of dust