Saturday, January 22, 2005
Jealousy the best form of flattery
Whenever one experiences jealousy, has it occurred to try and comprehend the significance of that emotion.
What defines jealousy?
Jealousy arises when one has an inclination to feel inferior. An inferiority complex that esclates and manifests itself as an emotion. A particular emotion, that if left to fester, will develop into hate.
But have you ever considered the possibility that jealousy is a form of compliment?
If one were jealousy of a bodybuilder, one indirectly admits that said person posses a physique one would like to have. Same applies to many other cases, wealthy people, beautiful people, influential people, and even the lover of one's crush.
As one can see, jealous is an unconstructive emotion, therefore, it is imperative that one stirves to be rid of said emotions. Feeling jealous will never improve the situation one finds lacking. However, it would be wise to contemplate the various methods that will be about an improvement in the status quo. In other, do not let oneself continue feeling jealous, but do go and try to improve one self to transcend the petty quandry that one had found oneslef in.
I must admit that I am one who feels a jealousy towards many things around me, but I want to change that, so I can be better than those I feel are superiror. I must stiop thinking how they are superior, and focus on how to reach their level, or maybe, even surpass their level.
It is important that a line be drawn between admiration and jealousy, that obssession and determination not be confused. I will become better.
pondered @ 20:07