Thursday, December 02, 2004
Will there be a day... Like this?

Will there be a day when I can no longer play basketball? Even on a wheelchair, I will still lvoe the game.
This scan's taken from the manga, REAL by Takehiko Inoue, the same
sensei who created the wonderful Slam Dunk series.
REAL's also a basketball based manga, which is Inoue
sensei's latest work, following his "Vagabond," the story based on the samurai Miyamoto Musashi.
REAL's a story about 3 teenagers who can no longer play basketball due to injury or paralysis. However, they still yearn for the feeling of being able to ball again, and of course, they try all means and methods just to be able to lace up and just play ball.
I'm not too clear on the names of the 3 guys though, but in hanyu pinyin, they're "ye gong peng mei", "hu chuan qing chun" and "gao qiao jiu xing." There's only 3 books so far, but like all previous works, REAL is an emotionally intense manga, which so engages the reader that the reader cannot help but feel for the characters.
It's one good manga(so far) and I shall no provide too many spoilers for you guys. Definitely worth a read.
pondered @ 21:38