Monday, December 06, 2004
Marry a HIV free spouse
First, I'd like to congratulate the government of Singapore for breaking new ground in the art of policy making. In a bold move, the government has defied all odds by announcing that it will consider implementing compulsory health screening for couples before they get registered at the Registry of marriages.
Well done, and you have my upmost admiration for once again demonstrating how seriously uptight Singaporeans can get. Admit it, we are all just a bunch of control freaks. Everything must proceed according to plan, and we must have knowledge of every parameter. I wonder what will happen when it is one day revealed that "change is the only constant."
Just imagine the oanic on the faces of everyone? Or maybe not, maybe our almighty government has already had provisions for such an event.
Seriously, you have to applaude the government for being so efficient and effective that people complain of it being too restrictive and capable. Hey, at least it does things right unlike a certain democracy with the star and stripes *Ahem*USA*Ahem*
You know, I'd really like to see this scenario in my life-time: The government out-sourcing the governance of a nation to the private sector. Now that would be a great sight to behold, and not tto mention, the greatest farce of all time, though I suspect by that point of time, the idea would be an acceptable on, just like any majorly unconformist idea that existed decades ago that have been assimilate into acceptance as absolutely normal ideas.
That's how it all works. Just give it time, and the stubborn nature of humans will eventually wear down. Just like how cloning and stem cell research would be a widespread industry in approximately 25 years? I'm no Nostrodamus, but something tells me that is going to be the case anyways.
pondered @ 20:26