Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Friday, December 31, 2004
Happy New Year~!

Yes, the New year is upon us, and we wish 2004 a last farewell as it takes it's little place in the annuals of time.

Recieved news that I'm going to be back in OSC, so that's a good start. Yeah, that's a great start to the day!

Had an excellent feast at Neub's place, which included wonderful sausages, turkey and the ever elusive pasta! Yeah, the pasta that escaped us on several occasions at neub's place. I tell you, Neub's Mom's pasta is wonderful, especially the meatballs. Thatk's to the feast, I'm totally stuffed now.

Anyways, just downloaded firefox and I'll be trying it out, so, wishing everyone a happy new year, I'm off~

Gavin pondered @ 23:48

Under the layers of dust