Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Friday, November 12, 2004
I have no idea why I'm writing about this

Talking about the past today. Why? Because it was a stupid idea not to allow us to take an off . It's dumb, I swear. A public holiday on Thursday, come back on Friday, and a long weekend due to the public holiday on monday. The whole day was spent just talking, talking and talking. *Records another piece of the inability of the SAF to function properly*

The recent death of Arafat has resulted in an overwhelming influx of articles on him and documentary programmes on the late Palestine leader. It's only a mater of time before a biography emerges. But one thing's rather clear to me. The life of the deceased appears to be more interesting thatn it actually was.

It's a interesting curiousity, that man tends towards beautifying th past. Past events always have a layer of memory, some nostalgia, a little pinch of imagination and a tiny dash of good story-telling.

That ain't that bad really, adds more flavour to events, unless of course you are in need of only the factual truths.

The past always appeals to us because of it's quality of only existing in our memories. The brain is an amazing filter which sieves out all the little unneccessary events, and expertly links events like a time lapse camera, making it fit much more seamlessly than when it happened. Very simply, the little waiting periods, little sidetracks and other minor diviations and blemishes are also systematically blotted out.

Yeah, I like the past.

But like anyone can tell you, it is for the future that we must live for.

Gavin pondered @ 22:40

Under the layers of dust